Fenix LD01 Holster?


Newly Enlightened
Nov 2, 2006
Houston, TX
Hello, I just got my first Fenix LD01 I was actually amazed at the brightness. I have a P2D-CE and a P2D-Q5 both of which I keep in their holsters. I have had the P2D-CE for more than a year and with the exceptions of the three times I dropped it and nicked the finish, it is perfect, no scratches on lens. Well the problem is I keep it in the holster in my pocket all the time, and I beleive that is the reason it is in such good shape.
I do not have a holster for the LD01 and was wondering if anyone knew of a holster or something I could use as a holster for the LD01.:thinking:
Hi ex lurking "newbie" here:wave:

I've made a few for L0D's and similar size lights. Nylon, no flap, just a tight fit. Works great for pocket carry.

I'll post a pic or 2 later.
O.K. Thanks. I was looking at the Lcg Gear holsters but I do not understand the ordering process. I was looking around the house to see if I could find something to make a holster out of and I found something that may work (Expo Marker casing minus the tip, however, I left in my wife's truck and she is out shopping with her mom so I have to wait). I would love to see what you came up with.
If anybody wants one, I made a half dozen one night when I was bored.

What'd be a fair price?
Is that thread still open?
I last posted a question to Warren on that thread on 10/31/08, "Warren, I'm interested in a Fenix LOP Belt Holster. I'm assuming it will fit a Fenix LOD Q4. Do you have them in stock? Please advise. Thanks." Still waiting for a reply.
Hi, newbie here. My LD01 rattles around in a pocket with a small Leatherman and a Fisher Bullet pen. I hate the idea of it looking beat up, but also don't want the weight of the stainless version. My solution is to put a vinyl cap on the tail, and a cutout cap on the front. The tail cap makes it easier to hold in my teeth, and holds a small magnet.

Hi, newbie here. My LD01 rattles around in a pocket with a small Leatherman and a Fisher Bullet pen. I hate the idea of it looking beat up, but also don't want the weight of the stainless version. My solution is to put a vinyl cap on the tail, and a cutout cap on the front. The tail cap makes it easier to hold in my teeth, and holds a small magnet.
Now that's a good idea, Scott. I have almost exactly the same things in my pocket as you do, and don't want my new LD01 too banged up yet either.
If the LD01 has similar dimensions to my LD01, I can make the holster. Just email me.
The cool thing is that I just used the magnet in the tailcap to retrieve a steel part in an aluminum slot. The not cool thing is that I tossed this flashlight in a coat pocket with my wallet this morning, hopefully all the magnetic strips on my credit cards are ok. I was a little nervous about carrying around a strong magnet, have to keep it in mind I guess.
Hi, newbie here. My LD01 rattles around in a pocket with a small Leatherman and a Fisher Bullet pen. I hate the idea of it looking beat up, but also don't want the weight of the stainless version. My solution is to put a vinyl cap on the tail, and a cutout cap on the front. The tail cap makes it easier to hold in my teeth, and holds a small magnet.


Nice custom solution, thanks!
Has anyone tried heat shrink tubing on their lights?

i dont have a heat gun, though.

Georg the German youtubber and EDC specialist created a nice custom leather sheath for the LD01. i am thinking that pocket knife manufacturers have holsters too which could be used for the LD01 (victorinox?):
Has anyone tried heat shrink tubing on their lights?

i dont have a heat gun, though.
I've done it on a couple of my AAA and AA lights. Very nice for keeping the light from scratching up items in you pocket, and also much nicer for holding in your teeth.

Just hold the light over a burner on your stove and slowly rotate it if you don't have a heat gun.
I've done it on a couple of my AAA and AA lights. Very nice for keeping the light from scratching up items in you pocket, and also much nicer for holding in your teeth.

Just hold the light over a burner on your stove and slowly rotate it if you don't have a heat gun.
a burner? you mean a hotplate of my cooker? :) -- facepalming myself :ohgeez:why couldnt i have such a good idea.., thanks for it!!

for small lights (14mm diameter, Olight i3), i was thinking of 16mm-dia. shrinkable wrap, instead of 19mm-dia., would you agree? the 19mm would shrink to thicker wrap walls in my estimation than the 16mm.

Georg's leather sheath is impressive and desirable in many respects and probably "a must" for people with high frequent serious LD01 usage per day, e.g. work stuff related. For more casual uses (per day) imho, wrapping the ends of the LD01 with shrink tubing and carrying the little torch together with the keys is a fair enough and acceptable everyday carry solution.

Two disadvantages of Georg's sheath: if someone/something rubs against the torch, it could fall out by accident; or, when the owner (or someone else) tries to take out the torch, it's more likely to get dropped than a LD01 "attached to something" (e.g. engaged in a keyring system. dropping a bunch of keys is less harmless than dropping a single torch). Basically i see some potential of losing or dropping the LD01 in such an open, horizontal sheath.

If the bunch of keys is too heavy (LD01 between your teeth/lips for frequent serious hands-free lighting), *then* it makes sense to ride the LD01 separately, e.g. in Georg's belt sheath (he doesnt use a pocket clip there!) or in x4cto's front pocket pant with the sturdy pocket clip, or the fifth pocket.

To me, security comes first, that's why mine is attached to the bunch of keys, and it's a comfortable bottom pocket rider. With heavy keys i'd lose my hands-free operation (mouth) but one can buy commerical mini-connectors which facilitate the separation of the light from the keyrings (mini clamp, carabiner, .. ).

If i like the heat shrink wrap, then i'll apply it to my AA lights too :)