I have a Fenix LD20 that seems to have quit regulating the current in turbo mode. When I first bought and tested the light it ran in turbo mode for about 75 minutes and then dimmed almost instantaneously.
I easily detected this obvious dimming and knew I needed to switch batteries.
Several weeks later I was using the light and noted that it just didn't seem as bright as when I began using it. I switched to "normal mode" - cycled through the low power modes and then twisted the head to get to turbo mode and discovered that indeed the batteries had drained and the light had been out of turbo mode for some time. (twisting the head should have brightened the beam back into turbo mode)
Two questions: Does your LD20 leave turbo mode abruptly - so much that you easily notice the battery drain?
How can get information about the easiest way to "meter" the flashlight so as to "see" the current levels change as the batteries drain? Should the circuit show a "turbo current cut off?"
I have the meter and test lead and clips, but want any tips how to "jump" into the light's circuit.
I easily detected this obvious dimming and knew I needed to switch batteries.
Several weeks later I was using the light and noted that it just didn't seem as bright as when I began using it. I switched to "normal mode" - cycled through the low power modes and then twisted the head to get to turbo mode and discovered that indeed the batteries had drained and the light had been out of turbo mode for some time. (twisting the head should have brightened the beam back into turbo mode)
Two questions: Does your LD20 leave turbo mode abruptly - so much that you easily notice the battery drain?
How can get information about the easiest way to "meter" the flashlight so as to "see" the current levels change as the batteries drain? Should the circuit show a "turbo current cut off?"
I have the meter and test lead and clips, but want any tips how to "jump" into the light's circuit.