Fenix Lights Up A Leak On Lamborghini...


Feb 8, 2006
North Carolina
Video at 11pm! (Or in a few weeks when the editing is done, I'll post a link at that time).
I finally got to edit this still shot from last week when I worked with a friend to videotape another friend's Lamborghini Gallardo at a club day at VIR.
That's my Fenix L1P in the hands of one expert while the driver was on the phone with his mechanic. The consensus: overheated power-steering fluid.
We each got to ride also. Track speed varied from 160 down to 40, but you would still be convinced you were going to die even at 40mph. Quite a thrill ride!


I recommend either Royal Purple or Redline synthetic power steering fluid and a better power steering fluid cooler if lambo dropped the ball on that one. :)
A Surefire would really be more appropriate because it falls into the same category as the car. (that category is, "NOT FOR BARGAIN SHOPPERS")

BUT, who cares, you got to ride in a LAMBO YO!!!! sweet!
daveman said:
Yet another troll crashes the party :shakehead...
Don't worry. Psychology would explain that when one person overpays for something, having others do the same thing makes him/her feel better and sleep easier at night. Therefore explaining the encouragement.
I don't know if the Gallardo has an OEM light, or what brand of fluid they were using. I do know that my handprint is a permanent addition... I pulled a muscle under my armpit from holding onto the door handle so hard! He's an actual race car driver, not just an enthusiast, so he was really wringing it out.
I wish my D-mini had been on my belt, that would have put more light on the situation. A case where you really need a bright flashlight for use in the middle of a sunny day.
Since my 4 SureFire's were at home in their assigned spots... the job fell to my L1P, which is what I usually carry instead of my P1 when other people may have to use my light. I love my P1, but since it twists the opposite of a mini-mag and it dies with only 5 seconds notice when the battery is exhausted, I use it when I'm a crew of one (90% of the time).
I did carry my new L1S today when I went back to the track. The only thing it illuminated was a giant freakin' spider in its nickel-sized burrow! Another middle-of-the-day flashlight use.
But that brings me to a new point, my L1S doesn't go into a donut-hole when used at very close range. All 3 of my L1P's have a donut at 6 inches or closer and are difficult to use for fine detail work. Anybody else notice this excellent difference with their L1S?