Turbo DV8
Flashlight Enthusiast
Trying to figure out what to spend a lot of money on to save a little ($15 PayPal refund expires tonight!) I am looking on flashlightreviews.com at the runtime and output curve of the LOD CE. Then I looked at the old review of the E1, and it refreshed my memory of why I chose the E1. The output curve of the E1 is ruler flat at maximum output for 1h 10m using alkalines. Although I use almost exclusively NiMH cells, occasionally I use alkalines, and in these cases good regulation is a very, very big consideration for me. Then I looked at the LOD CE runtimes and output curves using alkalines. The LOD CE output curve on alkalines drops like a rock from the get-go, and runtime on high is pathetic: 18 minutes to 50% output, and dead in another 10 minutes? According to the measurements, the throw of the E1 is about the same as the LOD CE on medium. Whereas the E1 will maintain that brightness for 1h 10m, the LOD CE on medium just goes straight downhill from there. Yeah, the LOD CE is hella brighter on high initially, but if anyone runs the LOD CE on alkalines, the E1 is going to be brighter a lot longer on alkalines once the LOD CE begins to drop right out of the gates, and the E1 doesn't have the PWM flicker that the LOD CE is reported to have on medium and low.
Why would Fenix make two lights using basically the same package, one excellently regulated for $22, and the other esentially not regulated for twice the price?
Why would Fenix make two lights using basically the same package, one excellently regulated for $22, and the other esentially not regulated for twice the price?