Fenix LOD Momentary Function


Sep 16, 2008
I have just purchased a Fenix LOD Rebel 80 AAA battery flashlight.
I read the instructions regarding changing modes by twisting the head
in counter then clockwise motions. If I push in on the head (towards the
rear of the flashlight) I've noticed I can use it as a momentary function and even cycle through the modes.
Is this normal and if so can it be harmful to operate the flashlight in this manner? I've read alot of posts concerning the LOD and I haven't seen anybody describe this type of mode change.
Thank you for any and all replies.
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you're just working the play in the threads to make contact with the head. should be fine.
If there is play in the threads would that mean this LOD is less water
resistant than LODs that have less play?
If there is play in the threads would that mean this LOD is less water
resistant than LODs that have less play?

No, the threads don't keep out water, the o-ring does. A small bit of play is present in just about every light. I recommend not keeping the head tightened so close as to allow momentary operation, because you run the risk of running down the battery if it shifts in your pocket. I generally keep twisty lights at least 1/4 turn away from on.
If there is play in the threads would that mean this LOD is less water
resistant than LODs that have less play?

Not Necessarily.

The O-Ring Is Responsible For Keeping The Water Out Of Your Light. If You Are Looking For Good Water Resistance, Be Sure To Properly Lubricate And Make Sure The O-Ring Is In Good Condition.
Thanks for the information. I loosened the head a little bit and now it does not have the momentary function.
Thanks again.