Fenix P1D Q5 Reflector


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 25, 2007
Lake Zurich, Illinois, USA
I ordered a silver from the Fenix Store and it has the Smooth Reflector (it should arrive today). In the meantime I have found someone who has 7 of the silver with the MOP reflectors. I am tempted to order one to see the difference. I would like to get others thoughts as to how big a difference they think there would be and if it is not worth the effort.
I have not seen the P1D, but my experience with the Fenix reflectors (using the P2D, P3D, L1/2D) is that:

- Smooth, better throw, ugly, ringy beam. Not really noticeable in real world (outside) use. Maybe more noticeable in close range and indoor use.

- OP, nice, smooth beam. Loss in throw (perhaps 20% based on some users). Great for white walls, and all close up use. Nice blend from spot to spill.

I really like the OP beam myself so never use smooth reflectors when possible.

Smooth reflectors can work well with Seoul (and of course Luxeons) but I find them pretty nasty with Crees. However, if you are after throw, use smooth.

Depends on how fussy you are and if you like white wall hunting (I never did until CPF).

Thanks for the reply. I was wondering if the "Special MOP" was some sort of design compromise between throw and smoothness, so I decided to buy one of the MOP versions and just see which I like better (knowing me I'll wind up keeping both, lol)
I'm really impressed with my P1D Q5 SMOOTH reflector because I have more fun with THROW from the balcony of my condo. Besides, I have plenty of cheaper lights to flood. It's the throw of these little darlin's that makes people go "WOW!"
Got my silver P1D Q5 with MOP in the mail yesterday (maybe from the same place as you olrac). Unfortunately I don't have anything in the same league to compare it to but I really like it. I do notice a slight darker donut around the hotspot when white wall hunting, but it's not noticeable outdoors. It out-throws my MTE rebel 100 AA lights and my seoul modded QIII on RCR123's. I don't seem to have the tint problem that others are talking about around here, but hey, I'm pretty new at this "collecting". :D
I am also prefer throw and would rather go for the smooth reflector, but unfortunately it is no longer available.
I tried to order one from 4sevens, but was late. Fenix-store is out of stock and 4sevens mentioned, he no longer orders them.

Bad luck :(
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