Fenix P2D Changes Modes When Tailstanding


Newly Enlightened
Dec 8, 2006
The switch on my P2D RB100 protrudes very slightly. It is just enough to make it slightly unstable while tail standing, and when I initially set it down or force it down flat it changes modes. Is this normal? If not, is it easily fixable or should I send it back?
I've had many good things to say about Fenix on these threads, but I have had the same problem with all of my newer tail-clickies. The switch protrudes too far, and they don't tailstand without wobbling. -1 for Fenix... this is a BUG that needs to be addressed. I've actually meant to mention it before but it keeps slipping my mind. Thanks StevetheReaper for bringing it up. This is an annoying problem as I like to tailstand the lights to use on low as a nightlight with the kids sometimes.
If I look at my Fenix funny, it will change modes on me. Extremely sensitive switch+protruding=switched modes.

I am not aware of fixes, but I guess you can send it back. Most Fenix lights are advertised as being able to be candles...so they will probably fix it for you.
Cheap reverse clickies in action! My Rexlight does this as well. Its not a Fenix only problem, but it is a poor feature nonetheless.
There was an old thread on this problem but I'm unable to trace it.

In any case, inside the tailcap there is a metallic ring with two tiny holes that keeps the switch in its position. It is enough to loosen slightly the ring and the rubber boot will become flush with the body of the flashlight.

Secondly in the case of P2D that is smaller than the other L/PXD lights it is also useful to keep the button pressed when you screw in the tailcap after changing the battery otherwise the air trapped inside will cause the boot to balloon out slightly.
Well, for $12 you can fix the wobbly tailstanding problem. Order the Tactical Tailcap, which has a longer flange around the button. If you change switch assemblies (i.e., put your reverse clickie in the Tactical Tailcap), you will have the normal reverse clickie, but you should be able to tailstand the light with no problem since the button no longer protrudes from the bottom of the light.

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