Fenix P2D Q5 or Rexlight 2.0?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 1, 2007
Naoussa Greece
well i have the latter and I am tempted on pulling the trigger on the former. I do like the interface more.

Does anyone have both lights? is the difference that great or should I wait till easter when I hope fenix will make one in R-bin?

thanks, Kostas
I have only the P2D Q2 - and the Rexlight 2.0
The 5 seconds-UI of the Rexlight can be confusing a little bit.
I would choose the Fenix. Better UI, better output, longer runtime, better regulation.

I have both. The Rex 2.0 is really anemic. With a 14500 it shows 5000 lux in my lightbox. The P3D Q5 on turbo with a CR123 shows 9500 lux, with a R123, 10300 lux. KD has an upgrade module that brings it up to a 2.1. From tests I've seen this will bring it up to the 9000 lux area. It's a cheap upgrade, ($15) and something to consider. I have one coming. The UI is different also. Here's a link.

hello there, KosPap,

just because I know you and the kind of uses you put your flashlights to, I'll suggest you also look at the new tactical Fenix T1 (the "tank")! Something tells me you'll like it, unless you really need all those extra P3D modes.

I've got mine on order so I can't give you a first hand report, they supposedly will start shipping out after 11/28.
I have both. the Rex, is dimmer . For me it has a better tint. But as Ritch said, the 5 sec. UI can be a little confusing. The P2D has a little flash of bright light when you turn it on. if you have easy access to CR123, the P2D is your better choice if you want brightness. In case you don't, the rex will be better, because in any emergency, you can use it with easy available AA batteries (and has better tint, at least in my case). If you are still undecided, as the CPF motto says, get them both. both are excellent lights!
guys thanks for your comments and suggestions.

I already have the Rex2.0 and I was considering the upgrade, but i do not like the interface.

The P2D size & interface suits me fine. I maintain all the 5 modes but grouped together.

flashy_bazook (what a flashy exploding name) no I did not liek the T1 at all! I want a cylindrixal body at this form factor and an output of 25? lumens on low. Maybe less. The idea of a multimode tacticla flshlight should be of cimplicity (2 modes only) and I do feel that next to BOOM a very low mode for reading and navigating is the most desirable.

Now thanks god I will be ordering cds for christmass else I would already gotem the P2D. I will be waiting a bit and when Fenix releases it with a R2 bin I will rush to it.
Now thanks god I will be ordering cds for christmass else I would already gotem the P2D. I will be waiting a bit and when Fenix releases it with a R2 bin I will rush to it.

You might want to wait a little longer than that, because you probably won't be able to tell the difference between a Q5 and an R2.

Personally, I'm waiting until R4 before I pull the trigger on upgrading my Q5's.
guys thanks for your comments and suggestions.

flashy_bazook (what a flashy exploding name) no I did not liek the T1 at all! I want a cylindrixal body at this form factor and an output of 25? lumens on low. Maybe less. The idea of a multimode tacticla flshlight should be of cimplicity (2 modes only) and I do feel that next to BOOM a very low mode for reading and navigating is the most desirable.

hey, fair enough! The T1 does not fit these parameters for sure. I see the T1 as an outdoors flashlight where I'd have a second smaller/EDC light to accompany it which would provide more modes and lower outputs to complement the "boom" of the T1.

I already have the P2D (Rebel 100) which can supply most modes one might need, the advantage of the T1 is also a somewhat bigger reflector and presumably longer throw. 4sevens just posted beamshots of the T1 against a P3D and it looks as if the T1 is excellent, but we await more comprehensive reviews and details of the testing procedure he followed.

Your other comment on waiting for the R2 is interesting - for sure we all need some kind of strategy to deal with what will be a continual stream of new LEDs coming out. Since I have a lot of flashlights, I guess I tend to get a new one every so often to replace an older one and to have the pleasure of using maybe one from each (significant) new gen LED. The T1 would be my first Q5, the Rebel 100 was the last most powerful LED I got.

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