Fenix P2D rocks!!!


Newly Enlightened
Dec 8, 2008
Hi All-

I just added a Rebel 100 head for the P2D body that I got in my combo pack for Christmas. I compared the brightness of the L1D, which I've been toting around for 2 weeks to the P2D and all I can say is WOW! The Rebel 100 is very bright, slightly on the blue side I think, and amazing!! It seems even brighter than the Q5 head that came in the combopack, which is saying something.

And I picked up 18 batteries for it, which should last me for a couple years!

Thanks to everyone for your help in taking me thus far. If I run into more cashola, I know that there are a few more nifty items that I'd like to pick up.

Up next, a headlamp!
Glad you like it. :thumbsup: I have a P2D Q5 and L2D body, and I'm thinking of buying another head if I find one cheap enough.