I measured the current draw of my new P3D-CE Q5 on turbo after the batteries were suddenly empty.
I'm using 2 AW:s blue label R123:s. With fresh charge the turbo mode is pulling 0.98A from the batteries. High mode is only using 0.2A, which seems normal. Are they all like this, or is there problem with my unit? I don't really want to use the turbo now, because it is using 5 times the energy, but the difference in output is not that big. Could someone measure their P3D for comparison?
I measured the current draw of my new P3D-CE Q5 on turbo after the batteries were suddenly empty.
I'm using 2 AW:s blue label R123:s. With fresh charge the turbo mode is pulling 0.98A from the batteries. High mode is only using 0.2A, which seems normal. Are they all like this, or is there problem with my unit? I don't really want to use the turbo now, because it is using 5 times the energy, but the difference in output is not that big. Could someone measure their P3D for comparison?