Fenix P3D Q5


Newly Enlightened
Jan 29, 2008
Ive been looking into this light but have a few questions. First how good is the throw? I dont need something for hundreds of yards but something in the middle would be nice. I have a surefire L4 thats basically for flood and indoors. So something I can use when the L4 wont get the job done. Also does this fenix have a monetary on option? or any fenix models for that matter? One last thing, do any of the fenix models come in 1" diameters. I may be mounting one on a rifle.

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The throw depends on if you get a smooth reflector or textured reflector. I bet your throw is cut in half with a textured, but it's nothing to frown at and I bet you it will be plenty bright with a textured reflector. Lots of people think the beam is more useful with a textured reflector.

The fenix lights with a T at the end are the tactical forward clickie lights.

Maybe you should be looking at the T1 instead of the P3D.

I don't really know anything about mounting lights to guns. :shrug:
Do any of the fenix ones have a monetary on? I dont want to limit myself to just fenix though. Really any light with good throw for a reasonable price, that I could still use for EDC.

I have a P3D Q5(smooth), and on turbo the Fenix out-throws the L2 by a fair margin, having said that the P3D has a narrower beam.

I shall do some beamshots when I get the chance.

6P or a G2 with a Malkoff Q5 dropin will give you, IMHO ,an unbeatable combination of throw and spill. I have a Rebel P3D 100 which I like but I love my Malkoff. Fenix T1 has a tiny bit more throw but a much tighter beam.
You may want to consider the Olight T20-Q5. Is has a tighter spot than the Fenix and probably throws just a bit better. I am very happy with mine.
I've bought:
-P3D P100
-P3D Q5
-L2D P100
-Malkoff Drop-in's
-various "Q5" drop-in's off ebay

The Malkoff will win hands down, but it's hard to get and Surefire's don't slip into pockets as easily as the P3D does. The P3D Q5 is the best pocket light I've ever scene.

All my Fenix lights have the Orange Peel (OP) reflectors. The throw cannot simply be measured, but I light up stray cats from 100 yards without much trouble.
Where can I buy a Malkoff Q5. Also how will it affect runtime? what are the rating on it?
If you search around the forums, you'll see that almost everyone who has a Malkoff *loves* it. They are very hard to get because the demand is high and the inventory is low.

I also have a Surefire L4 and it's nice for indoors, but I'm a Malkoff for my 6p :)
This light has a reverse clickie-no momentary flash. Just on or off. It is a really nice torch though, and I think it has a pretty good throw, esp. for such a small package.

Taken right from the fenixstore.com:

Tactical tailcap switch with momentary-on function
Malkoffs are quality pieces; I bought one of his 2D Mags when he first started making them before his current fame, and it was FANTASTIC work all around, especially considering it ran fabulously on alkalines. I don't have the 6p drop in, but I would imagine it's similar in quality to the Mags.
I'm amazed at the rapid advancement of flashlight technology, and Fenix offers first rate quality for those who can afford it. I don't particularly like their price fixing policy, which otherwise would enable people to get them at discount prices, but many companies are adopting such policies.

If you're looking for a good EDC, the Fenix flashlights are hard to beat. I have a couple in my bug-out bag with a bunch of batteries, but around the house I use flashlights purchased at DealExtreme with rechargeable batteries. They may lack some of the modes, but low intensities and strobe, SOS functions and the like are mostly for emergency/survival use. I can buy a perfectly functional and intensely bright little light for about fifteen bucks at DX, use rechargeables and not sweat an expensive, waterproof light for everyday carry (EDC).

One household light I like is the VB-16 HA-III light for thirty bucks. It's a Q5 Cree and has multiple intensities.
There is plenty of info. re: the Fenix T1 here on CPF, but feel free to drop questions to me. Checkout the cpf specials page in the Marketplace.
Not as good as a Mag 2D. That light may have a rather high total light output, "lumen", but it doesn't project beam as well as the collimating effect offered by Mag 2D with a xenon bulb.
Actually, the Maglite 3D has around 6200 lux according to FLR(review), the T1 has around 7800 according to light-reviews(review).

Since the 2D uses 2D cells instead of 3D cells, it would be safe to say, at least numbers wise, that the T1, the CL1H(and similar) would throw more then the 2D.