Fenix - P3D Rebel or L2D Rebel, help please..


Newly Enlightened
Sep 14, 2007
UK - Scotland
Hello everyone,

This is my very first post so please go easy on me :twothumbs

I have spent the last few days doing a bit of research into getting an LED Torch. I have a budget of around £50 GBP.

So far I have had a look at the Surefire G2 and 6P both LED,and yes they are both a little bit outside my budget:mecry:

This being the case I have landed upon the Fenix range, through www.glowgadgets.com

I am having a few problems deciding between the P3D and the L2D Rebel versions:

My main concern is the price of the CR123a batteries compared with the standard AA cells. The AA's are something I have lying around the house and wouldn't need to go out and buy. Would it be worth looking into something like this:http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Protected-4x-...ryZ50603QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

I like the shape of the P3D better as I am not sure how comfortable the L2D is with its strangely shaped body??

So now to the reason I am making this post:party:

I am looking for members of CPF to share their experiences with the torches. Hopefully someone will own both models and be able to give me an opinion?

Also, can anyone suggest any other brands or models that fall into my limited budget, preferably something that runs on 2 x AA's?

If anyone does have any info, knowledge or advice that they would like to offer to me I would appreciate it immensely:thumbsup:


Both are great lights. I prefer the buck boost circuit in the P3D because the low mode is much lower than the other *D* models that share the same head (L1D, P2D, L2D). The P3D is also brighter on high.

If you like CR123A batteries, I think the P3D is a no-brainer. It's more comfortable in the hand, shorter than the L2D, brighter on high/turbo, less bright on low, and has insanely great run times. It is my favorite Fenix by far.
p3d is comfy in hand but the cost of cr123 leads me to side with L2d , the output is great from L2d and the runtime is more appealing ..here cr123 are $10 each and a 4pack of e2 lithiums are $9 , the grip on L2d if its annoying enough you could just use black electrical tape or something to build up the grip to where you want it
It's mostly a decision of which batteries you want to use.

I have a P3D and use rechargeable 123's all the time in it. I have the charger (but not that brand of batteries) in the link you posted, and am happy with it. There may be some inherent risks with regards to lithium batteries, which may be something to consider also. But, the higher voltage will give you higher output.

AA's are very common, easily accessible, and cheap. Rechargeable NIMH AA cells work great in the L2D also, so you're not limited to 123 if you're looking for something that will run on rechargeable cells.
I run my P3D on RCR123 as well, I tend to charge them once I get the battery warning on high, still only need to charge the batteries every 2 or 3 weeks. I have a few other lights, including Surefire, but my P3D has quickly become my favourite light.

You can actually buy the P3D Rebel100 from www.fenix-store.com cheaper than the glowgadgets are selling the older cree version. (Dont forget the cpf8 discount code, knocks 8% off fenix-store price). I've never waited more than 5 days for them to deliver to the UK.

OK, thanks very much for all the info!!

qip - you are correct I could build up the grip on the L2D with tape, however, it might not look that great.. It would work though:)

I think I might have read somewhere on here that someone used "O" rings on the L2D to build up the grip. Can anyone find this post??

Any idea what size of "O" rings I would need?


I think it was a bike innertube on the handle, not O-rings.
I have the L2D. I like the light but I dislike the UI.

If I get my money back I would not buy the L2D again and instead I would buy a Deal Extreme 2AA light that seems to be the equivalent of the Fenix L2D for 1/3 of the price.
Does anyone have a link for the Deal Extreme 2AA Flashlight?

Also, I have increased my budget a bit, it is now £70 GBP!

Any suggestions as to something that runs on 2AA - other than the fenix?? :thumbsup:

Thanks again,


FWIW, I just went through this same decision and I got the L2D RB100. I like the run time, brightness, and 2xAA batteries of the L2D. The size and shape didn't bother me. One of the big attractions for me was the AA batteries. I keep a supply of good NIMH AAs around the house for the kids toys and so on. If the light starts to look dim, I just swap out or recharge the batteries and I don't have to think about the expense of the CR123s. I'm cheap, so I know with expensive batteries I would just feel obliged to keep using them til they were dead and I've read posts and seen photos here of exploding rechargeable 123s. That was enough to make me stay away.

My RB100 is my EDC now. It goes to work with me everyday and comes back home with me everyday. I travel for work, too, and it's going to go everywhere I go - driving, commercial airlines, whatever.

The RB100 puts out some serious light in a great-sized package, especially when compared to legacy flashlights. MHO.

I recall reading someone used a piece of rubber tubing to build up the narrow spot and then put an innertube over the whole thing. I've gotten as far as the innertube, and I'm thinking of playing around with some tubing fillers as that narrow neck could stand some improvement.

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I'd get the P3D Rebel. Some rechargeables with a charger, and a big box of CR123s (just in case). You can buy CR123s for a dollar each at amondotech.com. You can store the CR123s for 10 years and they will still be good.
Shrink wrap can also be used to build up the L2D with o-ring under the shrink wrap.
As for the price of CR123A cells, Fenix Store does them for under £1 each shipped (If you buy 16) here is a link.


Ebay is also great for cells just avoid Honk Kong cells, I know this from past experience last post here.


I have 2 P3D's a Rebel and Cree, the Cree is being modded with a Q5, by datiLED to bump the output. I love them both although the cree is what I prefer, not a great lover of the textured reflector on Rebel.

I just sold my L2DCE and am staying with the L2T V2.0 as I prefer not to have a fancy interface, just high and low is perfect for me.
It is handy to have a go to light that takes AA cellsas you can raid remotes and other household items.

Fenix Store is cheaper than Doc at Glow Gadgets, and as stated has never taken longer than 6 days to get to me, and David's service is second to none.

Why not just buy both ???
You know you want to :D :D
If You don't want modes, then go for the DX lights, you could buy three for he price of one L2D-Rebel 100.

Few more AA DX lights:
3w Seoul
C8 3w Cree
Candle-Power, this one has 5 modes and a memory
Hugsby P12 3W Cree
Ultrafire C3
Ultrafire WF-606A
Out of those, I would pick the Ultrafire C3 or WF-606.

But I'd go for the Fenix Rebel L2D-Rebel 100. There is a 8% off code if you shop a Fenix-Store, "CPF8" is the code.
L2D is fine as far as holding and it is super light. It is a bit long for pocket carry IMO. Use the 1xAA body for pocket carry. The difference in high and turbo is not much. Heck the difference in all the settings is not that much. The low is way too bright IMO on my L2D RB 100. I wish they had an ultra low setting half as bright as low or even lower. Turbo aint no 175 lumens though. Appears more like 140 or so. My Seoul P4 Gladius is definantly and noticably brighter at 160-180 lumens.

Building up the L2d's grip is silly IMO. Its fine as is.
you can also take a look here: http://www.qualityflashlights.co.uk/
great service and very fast delivery!!!

i like the P3D R100 most
but also the L2T V2.0 sounds great because of the nice UI.
the size of a P3D fits my pockets (jackets or vests) best,
2AA-torches are a bit too long.
I have the L2D with Rebel 100 and the grip doesn't bother me at all, although it did grab my attention when I first got it. No matter which light you get, you need to get a recharger. The CR123 rechargers are not hard to find and you can find protected cells. And if you want a backup, as someone mention you can get standard CR123 batteries for one dollar each. But don't forget the lithium ion rechargeable batteries hold their charge for a long time. Much longer then standard nimh rechargeable batteries you may be used to. And don't compare to a laptops li-ion battery as the laptop typically is always pulling some power from the battery, even when off.
I recall reading someone used a piece of rubber tubing to build up the narrow spot and then put an innertube over the whole thing.

I wonder how wise it is to compromise heat dissipation by wrapping the whole light in something that has very low heat conductivity. It can't be very good if the light is ever on for long periods of time.