Fenix PD30, PD20, LD10 and LD20


Aug 27, 2006
Re: New Fenix models PD30, PD20, LD10 (thx devine) and LD20 (thx Marduke)

PD20 is perfect in every way for me. and i [L O V E] the new holster. Those old style ones to me are complete waste of my time. I like the new holster so much i would buy 3 as a backup, incase the minority who like unsecure holsters make fenix change their mind. At least give people a choice, i personally need my light to be secure in its holster. This is much better.

As mentioned earlier, I've had my P3D Q5 for nearly a year. I will admit that the open-top Fenix holster looks flimsy, but it is definitely not. It carries my P3D Q5 very securely.


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 4, 2007
United Kingdom
Re: New Fenix models PD30, PD20, LD10 (thx devine) and LD20 (thx Marduke)

As mentioned earlier, I've had my P3D Q5 for nearly a year. I will admit that the open-top Fenix holster looks flimsy, but it is definitely not. It carries my P3D Q5 very securely.

So if i walk behind you, and i can see your holster, do you think i could not pull it from you within half a second? What keeps it from being just "pulled" out? For my requirements, a holster must be able to prevent or delay an attempt to remove it from me, but allow me fast enough access that i have it in my hand turned on within a couple seconds.
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Aug 27, 2006
Re: New Fenix models PD30, PD20, LD10 (thx devine) and LD20 (thx Marduke)

So if i walk behind you, and i can see your holster, do you think i could not pull it from you within half a second? What keeps it from being just "pulled" out? For my requirements, a holster must be able to prevent or delay an attempt to remove it from me, but allow me fast enough access that i have it in my hand turned on within a couple seconds.

Even nearly a year later, it does take a bit of effort to pull the light from the holster. I would have no problem at all if you tried to take it off of me..... I would have even less of a problem if you were a girl wearing a cute red dress while reaching towards my hip. :naughty:


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 4, 2007
United Kingdom
Well i take my carry method very seriously. If it can be taken easily, then i will not use it. It must be secure.


Newly Enlightened
Sep 28, 2007
Stuttgart, Germany
Hi there,

got a PD20 yesterday - and love it!:naughty:

Heck, it looks great, feels great and I love the tint, which is not als white as the one of my good'ol P3D Q5. I also like the new beam. Ring is there - at one meter against a white wall. Since that's not what I need it for, I don't care.

Just orderd rechargebles (?sepelling?) from DX cause I think regulation of these P2D's-things is better with these. (wasn't there some runtime-plot indicating that?:thinking:)

Stobe is faster, hotspot tighter, has more grip - thats it!




Newly Enlightened
Sep 28, 2007
Stuttgart, Germany
Forgot the holster. don't like it. normally I carry the light naked in my pocket. but if in a holster, I'll use the one of my P1, which is on my keys.



Newly Enlightened
Jun 25, 2007
I have my PD30 now. So far, so good. I did have a brief moment of panic when it didn't work at first, but I checked connections, and the tail switch needed to be tightened up a little. Maybe a quarter turn with a pen. Other than that the light is great - way brighter than the TaskForce POS I used before. The strobe is .... interesting.

Not wild about the holster - I would like to put the light in with the switch up, but it has a definite preference for switch down - it seems to snag going in and out with the switch up.


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 4, 2007
United Kingdom
They're flashlights, not handguns for god's sake... ;)

Yes, i realise that. Its simply a point of fact that i carry a light because i deem it a requirement for myself, and if someone removes it from me either from being an idiot and messing around, or being a thief.. I dont have money to go wasting if someone steals it, and i dont have time to be fighting with friends or family who are goofing off when i want it back. I would just rather keep it secure to begin with. Its my personal safety and security i am looking out for, and have a backup i can lend in the coat. I dont want to give anyone a chance of getting themselves into a situation where i cut myself off from them, just because they did something i think is stupid which causes me a problem of having no light handy, and having to deal with people about it.

Art Vandelay

Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 13, 2006
Techwg, check this out.

Right here only $1.99.
Yes, you can use it to clip any size Fenix to the top of your pants pocket.

It works. Just try it. It is the most discreet clip ever. You can't see the flashlight at all when you use it. To put it on, just clip it to the top of your pants pocket. The spring in the clip keeps the clip secure. To remove it just squeeze and lift the clip in one motion. It is very secure. If you try to pull the light out by just pulling on the flashlight the clip pulls up into the pocket like a hook and the flashlight is attached to your pocket even tighter. The pivot attached to a small ring allows it to move with you, when walking or sitting down or doing anything else. You may even forget you have a flashlight clipped to your pants pocket, it's that comfortable. Just try it. You won't be sorry. You don't have to buy a clip. You got one for free when you bought your Fenix.

Yes, i realise that. Its simply a point of fact that i carry a light because i deem it a requirement for myself, and if someone removes it from me either from being an idiot and messing around, or being a thief.. I dont have money to go wasting if someone steals it, and i dont have time to be fighting with friends or family who are goofing off when i want it back. I would just rather keep it secure to begin with. Its my personal safety and security i am looking out for, and have a backup i can lend in the coat. I dont want to give anyone a chance of getting themselves into a situation where i cut myself off from them, just because they did something i think is stupid which causes me a problem of having no light handy, and having to deal with people about it.


Sep 4, 2002
Shepherd, TX (where dat?)
The niece of our secretary spends a few hours at our office each day.

I often fight with her (firery little red head) over my P2D.

Doesn't bother me a bit.

Flap top holster just does NOT appeal to me.

Likewise the new protrusions on the bodies.

And a tighter spot would not help.

So I be happy as a pig in slop with my P2D and open top holster!


Newly Enlightened
Jun 9, 2008
Re: Fenix PD30

Hi everybody,

my Fenix PD30 arrived just yesterday :twothumbs! I was that happy, I drove to my departement to get some batteries and my P3D for a short comparison.

And here it is:

1rst look:

When I took the the light out and hold it in my hand for the first time, I knew it would be love :D! I liked the P3D I had before, but the new form - factor with the "anti-roll" design, the scaloped beezel and the new designed tailcap "feel" very good in my eyes and in my hand!

The body:
One of my main problems with the P3D was its slippery body. Fenix has worked on this problem with success. You have a much better grip on the PD30, compared to the P3D. This comes from the "anti-roll" design and from the new designed tailcap wich is slightly thicker than the battery-tube. And you get a very good feeling of the new knurling at the tailcap.

The new designed tailcap is also a good improvement in my opinion. Without a lanyard it still can tailstand (if you attach the lanyard, you have to push it to the side - open spaced - and once again, the light makes a good tailstand). I do not think it is that much more instable than the P3D.
And the new design gives you better access to the switch (that is important for people like me, who should think about using the lights with gloves on). The switch itself is good, I can't see or feel big improvement here (looks like it stands out a little more than the old P3D-switch). It is still secured from acidental activation by the surrounding tailcap - "bridges" (I don't know the correct term).

The battery - tube looks exactly like the one of my P3D, the laser work (?) on both lights look good.

The new beezel with the "anti-roll" design is another great point for me. As I mentioned before, the hexagonal "anti-roll" design provides you a much better grip on the flashlight. Turning the beezel to change the modes works perfect from the first time on. And the scaloped beezel looks much nicer in my eyes than the old P3D style. It is also very nice to see, if the light is turned on when it stands beezel down on a table.

To summarize: I like the new design of the PD30. The improvements they made (compared to the P3D) are all good for me without loosing the good aspects of the P3D (I liked this light and still think it is one of the better lights available on the market).

So body is: :twothumbs:twothumbs:twothumbs

Handling / Operation:
They kept on the good User Interface of the P3D and that is the one that came the closest to my perfect UI! I love Fenix for NOT adding a memory mode and for NOT making a concealed mode. The UI is simple and - in my opinion - almost perfect:

Turning the beezel to select between general mode (beezel turned slightly off the body) and turbo mode (beezel turned close to the body). Turning on will always start with minimum brightness level (general mode) or maximum brightness level (turbo mode). Everything else is easy to reach with just a little touch of the finger.

Thank you Fenix for NOT changing anything about the UI!

UI is: :twothumbs:twothumbs:twothumbs

Output / performance:
After putting some batteries inside the PD30, I went to one of my rooms and made it dark. Then I turned on the P3D for getting a good feeling of how bright it is in all levels. And then I started the PD30.

The first thing that came to my eyes was that the tint is more white-ish compared to the yellow-ish tint of my P3D Premiun RB100. But that is fine for me.

Some told about others of the new lights, that there were "cree-rings" or "donut-holes" in the beam: I could not find such rings! When I was very close to a white wall I could see a slightly "not-that-bright" area around the hotspot, but it was still bright and I had to look very close to see it on a white wall.

As I was used from the P3D, the beam was very nice to my eyes. A bright hotspot (slightly smaller than the hotspot of my P3D) and a huhge spill. That is exactly the kind of beam I would favour for my work as a law enforcement officer.

The light levels do differ a little bit. The 9 lumens of the PD30 appear to be a little darker that 11 lumens of the P3D. Medium level of 70 lumens (PD30) is noticeably brighter than the 50 lumens of the P3D. High level is given with 117 lumens (PD30) against 112 lumens (P3D). I could not really see a differenz. The white light seems to be brighter or clearer, but that comes from the teint I think.
On turbo-mode the PD30 comes with 220 lumens. And I could see the difference compared to the 200 lumens of the P3D Preium RB100.
But what really kicked me off was the new strobe. I am one of those who think: If you know how to use the strobe correctly and what to expect and not to expect from a strobe, then it can be a very nice tactical tool. And this one definitly is: The light strobes with 15 Hz (flashes per second). And it really annoying the eyes and destroying the vision. My vision began to "flicker" just after about one second. And about two more seconds, I got a strange feeling in the head like I was about to loose balance. That was strange and great as well!

After dusk I went out and had a talk to one of my neighbours who is about to becom a member of the German border control. I told him about the light and we played around a little bit. Both lights are perfect for searching in rooms. And they provide far enough throw for urban surrounding. I feel the PD30 having a little more throw than the P3D. As there were no other objects we enlightened some houses that are build right now on a street parallel to ours. The houses are about 20 meters away and we could see everything. So the throw is far enough for me!

output and performance is: :twothumbs:twothumbs:twothumbs

After all, what could I say? I do not think I will need a light for quite some time now. I am very satisfied with the PD30 because most of the aspects, I wrote to Fenix after getting my P3D were picked up and made it into the new PD30.

What aspects do I miss: still no momentary on :thumbsdow and the body I would prefere even more would be the body of the TK10/11 :shrug:.

I love my new PD30 and I would recommend it to everyone looking for a bright but small light.

P.S.: If there is need I would try to make some photos the next days. But my camera is not the best, so please be patient with me!

P.P.S.: About the holster:
I like the new holster. I had no problem with the old one because my P3D fitted perfectly and secure, but the new one provides even more security and the light fits perfect: put inside beezel down (the way I will carry the light), you can see the hexagonal "anti-roll" design, while beezel up, it fits that perfect it's hard to put it in the holster that way with the lanyard attached.
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Art Vandelay

Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 13, 2006
Yes very nice, but i dont like having big lights dangling off a keychain, or belt loop. I already get my balls busted enough beacuse of my keys and E01 being on my keychain.. In more ways than one...
What I meant was, put the light inside your front pants pocket, and put the clip on the top edge of your pants pocket. This will keep the flashlight away from your keys and change in the bottom of your pocket.

Here is a post from HoopleHead. It has a great photo showing how low profile this method is.


Newly Enlightened
Oct 20, 2008
I just got my new PD30, in the mail today.
(I'm new to this forum)... I've been in law enforcement for about 8 years and have mainly used the normal 3 cell Maglights , the recharge Maglights, and a few years ago I bought my self one of those Blackbear 951 Lummens Maglight torches. Whilst the 951 Lummen Maglight is a powerfull torch and all, recharging is a dog, run time was poor and batteries drained after 48 hours of no use. After only a day with this PD30 I have to say its going to be on my hip both on and off duty. As a tactical light it is brilliant, the brightness is fantastic, the strobe is spot on for tactical applications, the size of the light held in your hand can easily be used to block any persons attempting to punch at you (punching that bezel will hurt) and the low medium and high settings are also excellent, and great to have as options for difference uses. The light in total looks great aswell. I can not fault the light in any respect.

The pouch suits my needs 100% and the flap down design is actually preferred for my utility belt.

Where the light also has a great practical solution is with its use with my firearm (Glock), far more practicable than any torch I've used before.

The torch I guess suits many purposes, where some may not desire or use a strobe light for instance whilst others careless about the SOS function, for my work use it is spot on in every respect! And will be recommending them to colleagues.

This is the first fenix I have owned so can not compare to the old model. That strobe is sweet.:twothumbs http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/images/smilies/happy14.gif


Dec 3, 2004
Is anyone running theirs on Battery Station batteries? Can anyone tell me approx. what voltage the "high" mode begins to flicker? I really want another PD30, but if they won't work with B.S. primaries, then I'll have to find an alternative.