Since I just happened to have the brandy spanking new light meter I had bought and just received last night and was playing with it to measure lux at 1 meter and try to measured lumens in a home made sphere, it was an easy thing to do to change the battery and look at the output. However it all became a moot point when the flickering told me its at the low battery warning level already. I put those batteries back on the charger and it said they were done in under 2 minutes so they were not discharged, they were full (mostly because they were just sitting in a bag unused). I would say go with 2 AW RCR123's. The run time is shorter but they are more reliable then most and just carry extra's. That's what I have tried recently and found mostly acceptable. G.
Just for extra freebie I measured the lux at 1 meter with standard CR123's and with freshly charged AW RCR123s and there was no increase in output. Lux was 6.0K. Meter calibration needs to be checked against wbp's calibrated reference equipment but for relative measurements its working great.