Fenix T1, consider it a thrower?


Newly Enlightened
Jan 19, 2007
What I didn't read in the postings is, if you could consider the Fenix T1 consider as a thrower.
After Flashlight Reviews "retired", I did not find an objective measurement for throw or spill.
What do the T1 owners experience?
Depends on what you consider a thrower. It's not a DBS or a Tiablo, but it should out throw a Surefire G2. It's basically a P60 style textured reflector. It should light things up at 500-600 feet. I only got it on Friday so I haven't had a chance to get it out into a large open space to really see what it can do distance wise.

How far do you need it to throw? :) If you only need something to reach out 200-300 feet, the T1 will do that no problem.
It really depends on how much throw you are used to and what you consider alot of throw. Personally I would say it has quite a bit of throw, but I wouldn't consider it simply a "Thrower" since it also has VERY bright spill and a pretty normal beam pattern compared to true throwers. Most true throwers also have a smooth reflector to maximize throw, while the T1 uses a OP reflector to smooth out the beam.
Depends on what you consider a thrower. It's not a DBS or a Tiablo, but it should out throw a Surefire G2. It's basically a P60 style textured reflector. It should light things up at 500-600 feet. I only got it on Friday so I haven't had a chance to get it out into a large open space to really see what it can do distance wise.

How far do you need it to throw? :) If you only need something to reach out 200-300 feet, the T1 will do that no problem.

Wade, do you have a Mag D with a Terralux TLE-6EX? Curious how it compares on the tightest beam. That's my strongest thrower, so that's why I'm asking about it specifically.

I've found the above light (4 Cell) throws about 100m (330 feet) well enough to see tree leaves/limbs.. It might throw farther but that's about as far as I can hit something from my back yard.
I would call it a thrower. My T1 throws almost as good as my non-Q5 Lumapower MRV.
as i just posted on another thread in "LED" , to my un-trained eye, it doesn't throw anywhere near 200 meters, but i can state for a fact it does out throw a SF G2L.
at the very least I can see the reflections from the T1 from 3M reflective highway road signs well in excess of 200 meters. So I guess it can throw that far:confused:
Wade, do you have a Mag D with a Terralux TLE-6EX? Curious how it compares on the tightest beam. That's my strongest thrower, so that's why I'm asking about it specifically.

I haven't tried out doors yet, but a quick test has the 6EXB (I don't have the 6EX), in a 3D Mag putting out almost 11,000LUX on my meter. My 6EXB in my 3D aspheric mag was a little over 15,000LUX. The Fenix T1 was in the 6,600LUX range. The DBS was over 26,000LUX.

I still have to test the Malkoff, but mine doesn't get as tight as a hot spot as some others I've seen. I'll probably pick up one of his newer mag drop-ins one of these days. :)

The Mag with the TerraLux 6EXB did better than I thought it would. Gotta chalk it up to that big smooth reflector. :)
I compared it with my DX WF-600. Not surprisingly, the DX light out-threw the T1 dramatically....but it has a larger reflector made for throw, and doesn't provide nearly the useful spill the T1 does. That's unfortunate for me because I really wanted it to come close for my specific needs, and I think it would do better with a smooth reflector...but it's still a very solid-built bright light, which is worth the money, IMHO.
I haven't tried out doors yet, but a quick test has the 6EXB (I don't have the 6EX), in a 3D Mag putting out almost 11,000LUX on my meter. My 6EXB in my 3D aspheric mag was a little over 15,000LUX. The Fenix T1 was in the 6,600LUX range. The DBS was over 26,000LUX.

I still have to test the Malkoff, but mine doesn't get as tight as a hot spot as some others I've seen. I'll probably pick up one of his newer mag drop-ins one of these days. :)

The Mag with the TerraLux 6EXB did better than I thought it would. Gotta chalk it up to that big smooth reflector. :)

Excellent, maybe outdoor shots to follow. :clap:

I'm not a Terralux fanboi or anything, I just got one about a week ago and it's my strongest thrower. Has useful spill too. I adjusted the cam in the head so when it's screwed all the way down it's at its tightest beam. No point in defocusing it, it doesn't really seem to add much to the spill, just makes the hotspot larger and uglier.
Well, Fenix claimed it'd throw out to 200 metres...

Maybe under "optimum" circumstances...

I had mine out and could see a black lab in a field just outside the city (lots of light pollution, but still "dark") at 80-100 yards. That's still pretty impressive.

Inside 50 and it's WOW! impressive. For a two-cell "pocket" light, that is...

this light with one low mode at 12 lumens and one high mode at like 150 is all i want.

a perfect light for me :grin2:

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