Some throw is lost, but that's ok. If I'm gonna need throw, I'll take my COAST Hocus Focus 7438 modded w/ a SSC P4. :twothumbs
yes, my d-mini is always in my bag packed neatly for times when i need to spot. Combo'ing EDC is the way to go.
q2 or not, in real use, my p2d is straight out impressive, my p3d stays in the drawer, also an incredible light, but to me, the only positive for edcing the p3d would be the fact that it runs longer, as if one or 2 spare batts is clutter, the brightness factor is not really a big thing, the p2d will do a low for map reading, and it will provide great flood for path hiking.
p3d for a tool, p2d edc. imo.
I might get my p2dq2 next week, the one i have now will be kept, because the beam is so nice, and the versatility is amazing, i can only hope I can keep them until my older years.
fence sitters should get a natural, non q2 will still impress, i guarantee, white wallers will complain, that's their issue, non white walllers, get in there and enjoy them as they rock;