Fenix textured reflectors

Are the textured reflectors in the current lineup from Fenix or are they sputtered by David?

The current reflectors in my store are home textured by yours truly.

However factory reflectors are enroute as we speak. I'll put them up
immediately when they arrive - I will clearly note that they are from
the factory. By the way, these will not be a regular item. Fenix
told me they don't intend to sell these reflectors because 1) they
are not user installable 2) opening the lights voids the warranty
3) it's mainly for hackers/modders.

So whats coming to me will be all that I have. :p
Can't wait, sign me up for 2 or 3...


agreed. David, can you process a pre-order for me (black P2D CE)? Also, please disregard the message I sent through the fenix-store.com site.

Are these newer reflectors the same as the special edition medium OP reflector?
I would normally assume a factory textured reflector would be better than a "home-made" one (OK, a store made one). But in this case, I wonder whether 4sevens' reflectors are a safer bet?
What makes you say that?

Only the fact that, according to 4sevens, this is basically a one time deal for Fenix. So they may not have put any effort in making sure they have the best texturing, both in terms of optics and longevity of the applied material to create the texture.
Only the fact that, according to 4sevens, this is basically a one time deal for Fenix. So they may not have put any effort in making sure they have the best texturing, both in terms of optics and longevity of the applied material to create the texture.
Let me clear up this misunderstanding. Perhaps I was not clear.

When I mentioned that it was a one time deal, I was refering to offering
them as spare parts - This does NOT mean the textured reflectors. If fact,
I believe we will move away from smooth reflectors and to textured
reflectors for all the lights.

This has nothing to do with "optics and longevity"