Fenix thread problems


Newly Enlightened
Nov 18, 2007
Well CPF got me into this, so I figured you could help me. I purchased a Fenix L1Tv2.0 just about 2 months ago. I like it very much but have one issue. The threads where the head attaches to the battery tube is constantly gritty. I can turn the head OK with both hands, but it is nearly impossible to turn one handed. I clean the threads often with a paper towel and alcohol and get a greyish grit each time. I have also tried dielectric grease to lube the threads, but there is very little difference.

Does this seem like normal behavior for a L1TV2.0?

I bought it from FenixStore, and will contact them if you (CPF) think it is warranted.

One of my P2D's was like that when I bought it. What I did was lightly lubed the threads, and just twisted the head back and forth over and over to smooth out the threading. I did this for about 20 minutes, taking breaks when I got tired, and it smoothed itself out eventually. I then cleaned the threads and lighty relubed and was good to go. Hope this helps.
I haven't had grit problems, but my grease is constantly turning black on my L2D's- clean off old stuff and re-apply grease, screw up, unscrew, and it's gone black.

Have a look at the threads- you may actually have a bit of grit in there that you can remove with a bit of paper towel/finger.
The problem is probably in the fact that a paper towel with alcohol does not remove all the grit. Some of my Fenixes behaved like yours and only a thorough cleaning with an old toothbrush plus alcohol took away all the grit. Of course this operation was followed by a good lube.

My experience says that eventually the threads get clean and then you have no more problems. :)
Thanks for the quick responses. I'll try the toothbrush and repeated twisting ideas.

The grit is certainly aluminum shavings. I cleaned the threads today, and could clearly see flakes of metal.