Flashlight Enthusiast
Fenix TK11 vs. Dereelight CL1H V4. Which one of these two pocket powerhouses do you guys prefer? I favor the CL1H V4
The Dereelight for me.
Regulation according to Fenix isn't quite up to normal standards for the TK11, not that it matters much but that plays into the hands of the Dereelight IMHO.
I dont know if Dereelight uses the same pill as V3 but look at chart of the regulation of V3...
seems like the fenix has the same regulation
Yes go for the TK11. My blade collection just sits there looking at me wondering why nothing gets any use.A leatherman for my blade collection or a fenix tk11 for my light collection........Let there be light!!
This may open a can of worms, but that review site uses no cooling for tests (see their forums, their claim is that the human body is a poor heat sink, I'm preparing some tests to test their claim), so the runtime graphs can be a bit deceptive in the regulation department as far as what light output you will get at a given battery discharge level. Given a bit of air flow or a real hand holding the torch, and the regulation of the CL1H is dead flat. The following graph was done with air flow typical of what you would get while out walking.
Do you need a can opener? The chart I linked doesnt belong to me so theres nothing for me to defend. I just havent seen this chart that you posted before, now the question is which chart is more creditable?
The CL1H has a VERY simple UI, especially the 3SD version. :thumbsup:I voted for the TK11 since I prefer the simpler UI. I've never liked multi-click or click and hold style lights.