Fenix TK20 - Quality issues


Newly Enlightened
May 31, 2008
Hello everyone,

so a few days ago i bought myself my first Fenix light, a TK20. I thought it was time for some quality light that will last a bit longer then my Ultrafires did.
So full of anticipation i opened up the box, put in some batterys in the light and :eek:...What the... the beam looked like :barf:, after some inspection i saw that it wasn't the emitter that was off-center, it was the LED-opening in the reflector! Ok, so i went to the seller and got myself a new TK20. Better beam, still a bit off center but now the switch fails to operate every 30-40 clicks, it does click but the light won't turn on.

So my question is if any of you had similar problems with Fenix lights or is it just bad luck?? Otherwise i will return it and get myself something else.
I'v been using my TK20 for a loong time with no issues.
The TK20 is realy one of the best built light I'v seen, at least it feel's realy strong.
Dont let this ruin you impression with Fenix because they make great light's.

My guess is you have been very unlucky.
You should be able to get a replacement switch, or a new light. My TK20 has been fine, I love it. :)
Who did you buy from? both lights should be replaced under warranty.
Definetly seems like you've had some bad luck. I recently purchased a couple Fenix lights (TK11). One in R2 one Q5, the Q5 had the nicest beam because not only was the LED centered it was also positioned vertically correct I suspect. The only problem is I wanted the R2, so I have to live with the flawed beam. It's not really noticeable in real world use, but still. This seem to happen with almost every manufacturer, they don't have as good QC on the assembly, even if they have the machining ironed out.

The 2AA is not my favorite format (I'm way down the path of single cell lights), and the TK20 is large for 2AA (another strike), BUT it's got a 'standard-battery' and it's reported to be very tough and reliable from others. So I've decided to add one to the collection. It might need a bit of a face lift though.

Let us know how it works out.
If I understand you right instead of returning the first TK20 you bought another.

Have you cleaned the threads and contacts. You could also use the tailcap from the first light on the newest light if the first functioned properly. Then i would send the first one back and get a new one.

Hopefully you got it from 47's, lighthound, batteryjunction or other's mentioned around here with great customer service.
Hello everyone,

so a few days ago i bought myself my first Fenix light, a TK20. I thought it was time for some quality light that will last a bit longer then my Ultrafires did.
So full of anticipation i opened up the box, put in some batterys in the light and :eek:...What the... the beam looked like :barf:, after some inspection i saw that it wasn't the emitter that was off-center, it was the LED-opening in the reflector! Ok, so i went to the seller and got myself a new TK20. Better beam, still a bit off center but now the switch fails to operate every 30-40 clicks, it does click but the light won't turn on.

So my question is if any of you had similar problems with Fenix lights or is it just bad luck?? Otherwise i will return it and get myself something else.

I think it´s bad luck.

I have a lot of Fenix lights: P1, P1D, L2S, L2D, TK20 and all is working perfectly.

I use my TK20 a lot (2x a week in the field), and it never failed.

Try cleaning contacts. Maybe tailclickie is not tight properly. Check it contacts INSIDE the tailclickie (around the coil).

Good luck!
I feel you... my 2nd TK20 is also not as "smooth" as my 1st. A few things I'd notice of the newer batch of TK20 run:

1. Tint is a little less "warm".
2. The yellow colour grip is too "slippery" to provide a good grip, so I gotten a grey one like my 1st.
3. Some of the rubber grip is broken at the joining end (new from box).
4. The tail-end is "too heavily" lube.
5. The machining job on the head/front battery tube thread is not very well done. (With battery inserted, the grinding is worse, after a few turn, there are some small pieces of shiny metal along the thread. :thumbsdow )
6. They "improve" (?) the high-pitch sound that emitting from tail-cap when turn on Turbo mode. It's less noticeable now.

I've chosen an off-centre unit as it's the brightest available and it doesn't affect the beam.

The first thing I do after I got the light home is start cleaning the tail thread and the tail-cap off the accessive lube using alcohol. Re-apply some grease, and all is good.

Well, the truth is, despite all these, I'm still planning to get my 3rd TK20 in the coming months, it's a good light, and I hope they will improve their QC process.

I've also written an email to Fenix CS, well, got a standard corporate reply... they will look into it... haha... :whistle:
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I have a question regarding the TK20, can it take two 14500's? Of all my lights I've not got a Fenix and this may be my first one. thanks!!
TK20 is a 2AA light -- 2 x 1.2v/1.5v/1.7v (NiMH/Alkaline/Lithium Primaries). Two 14500 will have too high a voltage -- 2 x 3.7v/4.2v (Li-Ion).
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i did have a switch problem with an ld10 before. same as yours.

anyway, if you happy with the beam i would just ask for a new tailcap and go from there.
I bought the light here at a local globetrotter store so returning it is no problem for me (as i did with the first light, i didn't buy a 2nd one ;)).
For now i had no switch failures, if it stays like that i will keep it and if it eventually breaks i'll simply replace it (got two years warranty). Maybe the switch had to run in or something like that :thinking:

Added a beamshot and picture of the LED if anybody is interested:

Anybody got a beam like this? I think its not that bad, just the uneven corona.
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My beam have a ring too, but it´s not too ringy like yours...

I think most of those smooth reflectors have rings. Patience! Probably you would not see them in real use, in real world.

I never saw mine... just see it when I do white wall hunting.
most smooth(SMO) reflectors will be ringy.. textured (OP) reflectors are made so that the rings are smoothed out.
my TK20 is flawless as of right now..no problems. switch is fine, the tint is what i expected.

Side note, i wish there was an option for a orange peel refletor for this light, i would love it more =]
Added a beamshot and picture of the LED if anybody is interested:

Anybody got a beam like this? I think its not that bad, just the uneven corona.

Yeah, you're making a mountain out of a molehill. Both those pictures are completely acceptable IMO. They make no difference in actual use.

Try shining it on something other than a white wall once in a while...
After clicking the switch about 10000000times it seems to be working for now :grin2:

I think i'm just a pedant when it goes about beam symmetry lol, i'll give it a try and maybe write a review about the TK20 when i get used to the "uneven" beam.
I have a TK20, no issues at all.

I have another one coming, should get here today or tomorrow.

Reading this thread makes me nervous... Hopefully it all turns out fine.

I think my First TK20 is the best torch ever :)
Man that sounds unlucky. Ive got 2 myself and have abused the heck out of one of em, still works like new. Have not had a problem at all with either.
Maybee the store you bought from is selling some sort of factory seconds or something? Seems odd to have 2 bad ones from the same store in a row.

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