That sounds like a bit of a grim situation. I think finding a replacement will prove very difficult, if not impossible. When you say "rotted and disintegrated", was their some type of battery leak or something? I know plastic can become brittle after aging, though it's hard to envision why one would fall apart like you describe in 10 years time.
Is there not enough carrier left to duct tape and glue together? Maybe someone with a good 3D Printer could replicate it?
I don't know how the battery carrier is wired together in the TK41, but whatever voltage it outputs with those 8AA's, maybe you could run two or three cells Li-ion cells with a spacer in the tube.
Hi there,
Contact the Fenix Service to check if they can fix it for you!
Does the TK41 have the traditonal type layout, with a positive contact spring at the head and a negative contact spring at the tail? And what voltage does a freshly charged pack read?
I don't see why one couldn't make a battery tube from rolled up cardboard/paper and tape, and run 2 to 3 Li-ion cells inside, depending on how much voltage the TK41 needs.
I did and this is what they told me:
We are contacting you today to let you know it appears that we do not have the parts necessary to complete the repair. Because the TK41 is discontinued and has been replaced, Fenix is no longer making parts. That being said, We can offer you a discount for any inconvenience this has caused. If you have any questions concerning this please respond here.
Thank you for your time and I hope that you have a great day!
Thank youunderstood
I'm having the same problem with mine. It has been unusable for a few years because the two buttons aren't functioning correctly. They make a nice tactile click, but the contacts seem to be messed up. I'm guessing that it unscrews between the buttons and the heat fins, but I don't want to scratch it up with pliers, and I don't have access to a nice bench vice.Has anyone manager to open this light? Mine has a problem turning on ( it turns on, but most times it registers two button presses or none..switching it on is like a lottery)'s old but has not been used, let alone abused..