Filippo doesn't like leds


Newly Enlightened
Mar 14, 2007
Oh MY GOD!! HE HATES could be possible...he thinks they light in a strange way...let's try to make him change idea!!!:lolsign:
Show him an LED light that is so freaking bright that he has to have one. The LEDs create light the same way as incandescents with electrons jumping from level to level (not going in to detail) except LEDs only make one color of light (with no phosphor) while incandescents create the whole spectrum.

Normal 6000K LED's could make things look pale, but there's where warm white LED's come in.

Good luck converting him
well, he feels like a sheep with wolves all around...
I'm going to bite's even un-natural!!
Untizio said:
Oh MY GOD!! HE HATES could be possible...he thinks they light in a strange way...let's try to make him change idea!!!:lolsign:

Uh, who gives a flip? Or should I say... flippo?
Ok, I think we have a candidate in the Lummie Awards for the most Surreal Post of 2007 here. :)
You know they have Amber LEDs that give off similar color to incandescents...thats what they use in some of those solar pannel walkway lights...I took one apart thinking it was an incandescent and I was surprise to see it was just an amber colored LED...It fooled me...