I've never been a gun person, but after a lot of soul searching and a recent incident where a relative was robbed at gunpoint (she wasn't hurt), we've decided that it's time. So I've just bought a Keltec P32 and my SO has a phoenix 22. We've signed up for a course and I've had my first session at the range (where I did really well, considering I'm a noob). I'm facing this new responsibility with a great deal of respect and care, and hopefully I'll never have to use it, other than for practice. We have no children in the home so there's no risk of injury to others, and we keep them locked up when not in use.
But after trying out the Keltec, I've discovered that the slide is a pain in the a$$ to pull back. Placing a strip of Ace Bandage on the side seemed to help with the grip, but I'm wondering whether there's some sort of aftermarket grippy stuff that's made for improving the grip on the slider, maybe some kind of high-temp silicone rubber glove...?
But after trying out the Keltec, I've discovered that the slide is a pain in the a$$ to pull back. Placing a strip of Ace Bandage on the side seemed to help with the grip, but I'm wondering whether there's some sort of aftermarket grippy stuff that's made for improving the grip on the slider, maybe some kind of high-temp silicone rubber glove...?