Flashaholism - A 16 Step Program


Newly Enlightened
Oct 2, 2008
This is only meant to poke fun at myself. I'm currently recovering from step 12.


1. You buy a maglite you don't need just so you can have the best flashlight on the planet. Your friends and family snarl that you spent $25 on a flashlight.

2. You find CPF and swear you are not that geeky but you create an account anyway.

3. You discover Fenix is not a city in Arizona misspelled. Then you buy one but swear you will never spend over $50 on a flashlight.

4. You begin the search for the brightest flashlight on earth and you swear a UI on a flashlight is just too geeky. You want ON and OFF.

5. You post on CPF looking for a great light for under $30. Then you answer the 171 replies asking you what you want the light for. Your answers:

2000 Lumens OTF
36 hours of run time
Great throw with a perfect flood
Small form factor
Runs on a single AAA Alkaline
Under $30

6. Your countless hours on CPF teaches you a lot but you still think the only time you have to worry about Tint color is when you go camping at the KOA

7. You start carrying a flashlight everyday

8. You acquire your first Surefire and marvel that you spent over $50 for a flashlight and you don't tell anyone but friends on CPF.

9. You buy your first mod, a Malkoff drop in and behind your big smile you're trying to figure out how you're going to explain to friends and family you spent $60 for a flashlight BULB!

10. The next light you buy is just like the last 3 you bought except the UI is different and it has more levels of output.

11. You start carrying more than 1 flashlight every day and spending more and more time in the morning deciding which EDCs to carry that day

12. You begin converting all your lights to rechargeables and spend more and more time in the Flashlight Electronics - Batteries forum of CPF. As a side note you learn that LSD is a good thing these days and you really will spend $6 on a single battery the size of a AA.

13. You treat your family to an expensive dinner in celebration of your CPF post count exceeding 100 and they have no idea why you're taking them to a nice dinner.

14. The shelf you made to display your lights is buckling under the load and you are forced to convert a spare bedroom for storage.

15. You smile that you ONLY spent a couple hundred dollars on your first custom torch.

16. What torch do I have that has NOT been modded and how can I make it better.
Bob, that's pretty funny. I think that sums it up for me pretty well, though the order may be a little different.

Zeruel, the light humor is my old thread. I forgot about it. Thanks for pointing it out.:thumbsup:
Zeruel, the light humor is my old thread. I forgot about it. Thanks for pointing it out.:thumbsup:

I bookmarked it for laughter from time to time. It's a classic and I enjoy laughing at myself. Good thread. :thumbsup: These 16 steps should add on to it. :)
Did step 16 months ago.
Nothing stock left...................

Can't wait till it warms up, I need to get out of the house and run again.
You forgot 2 steps :)

Strobe : One day you decide ENOUGH NO MORE LIGHTS I'M BROKE, then you get paid and it starts all over again. The on/off cycle, financially disorienting.

SOS : going into bankruptcy or dealing with THE SPOUSE.

Geez, the only things I've purchased this month, is a P61 to convert my 6PL back to incan (love it outdoors at night) and my regular dose of 123a's :)

The G2(incan) was last month and the E1L in January, so it's a steady pace for me, thanx to a new job :)
I'm not kidding when I say this ... I literally stayed away from CPF for six months (aug 08 - Feb 09) to avoid buying a new light. Then I was bored one day and decided to poke my head in and see what my fellow CPFers are buying these days ... next thing you know, I spent about $2,500 from beginning of Feb to now. I need to go dark again.
I'm not kidding when I say this ... I literally stayed away from CPF for six months (aug 08 - Feb 09) to avoid buying a new light. Then I was bored one day and decided to poke my head in and see what my fellow CPFers are buying these days ... next thing you know, I spent about $2,500 from beginning of Feb to now. I need to go dark again.

Cold turkey.... brutal and effective. Hmm....maybe I should too.

Nah! :p
I'm on step 16 of a self help program. I just added a 16th Surefire to my collection!