Flashlight case for storage


Mar 15, 2009
What's a good case to store 10-12 flashlights -- single and two cell 14500s and 123s?
My flashaholicism has progressed to the point where I need to store and organize nearly a dozen pocket-size torches. Both single and double-cells.

I'm looking for something that won't cost hundreds of dollars, as do some of the more expensive Pelicans. (I'm certainly open to a less pricey Pelican.)

If you have a recommendation, kindly list the model number.

Believe it or not, the dealer I asked for advice suggested I come here instead.

Thanks for your help.
That case is pretty much th esame exact one that I use.
I have the lights in th ebottom section and use the pockets for my knives and batteries.
I picked mine up at Lowes for 29.99.

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I see that your case holds about ten lights.

Does the Harborfreight seem to be about the same size as your model?
You don't have to spend a fortune to get a worthwhile case:-

Case is an old Britool tool carrier off ebay for £6. just needed painting and a couple of new rivets for the hinges.
£5 for some pick and pluck foam from ebay (enough to do the case twice over).



Just waiting for my Quark 1232 Turbo to fill that lonely gap now :)

I see that your case holds about ten lights.

Does the Harborfreight seem to be about the same size as your model?

The cases look almost identical. I also think that if I had done the "plucking" a little different I might have been able to get 1 or 2 more in there. You may notice the big ol' M2 in the corner. That also takes up some room!
I called HarborFreight and was told this case would hold no more than four or so lights.
So much for that.
I'm not sure what type of lights they're putting in there .:shrug:

The measurements on your link are 18 x 12 3/4 x 6....
My Task Force box according to the lowes.com website is 18 x 13 x 6.:confused:
Nice Ebay case!

Crate on the top and pick N pluck on the bottom, well protected. Not too big but for under 20 shipped should hold quite a few smaller lights.

Now as long as it's put together well! Who knows. :D