Flashlight Closeouts at REI


Newly Enlightened
Jun 16, 2004
Tampa, FL
I was looking at the REI website and found they have some closeout deals on a couple Princton Tec flashlights.
The have some Princton Tec attitudes for $10.93 (these are factory seconds). They also have a good price on the Tec 20 at $9.93.

I am not associate with REI, justed wanted to pass along a pretty good deal.

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REI Flashlight Closeouts
dang! well im actually looking to get a Tec 20 but that price doesn't seem like a real good "closeout" price to me....

for a while tec 40's could be had for about $12 from TTS if i remember correctly.

heck brightguy had a sale on the tec 20 a couple of months ago for like $6.
I never priced the Tec 20's, but had purchased a couple Attitudes and paid around $16 or so. So I thought the $10.00 looked like a good price.

Then again I used to pay about $6.00 for a CR123 battery before finding this site. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I didn't notice myself (but then again - I had already been to the site). Thanks for fixing the link.