At the moment I'm working on code for a PIC microcontroller (10Fxxx series) to use as the microprocessor in a flashlight mod. For those of you that don't know, lights like the Fenix multimode series use something similiar to give you the various modes available.
I know roughly what modes I'm going to have, but I'd like input from others about what modes people would prefer in a light, in what order, and what types of UI people like. Should I add extra buttons to the light? Power off/on cycling like Fenix P1D-CE? How bright should the levels be?
There is even the possibility to make it programmable if I can work out a nice way for the user to do that.
Even better is, if I switch to a PIC microcontroller with ADC, I can make the processor detect a low battery condition. What I'd do when I detect it, I'm uncertain of right now. Light up a small red LED?
Your ideas, please ^_^
At the moment I'm working on code for a PIC microcontroller (10Fxxx series) to use as the microprocessor in a flashlight mod. For those of you that don't know, lights like the Fenix multimode series use something similiar to give you the various modes available.
I know roughly what modes I'm going to have, but I'd like input from others about what modes people would prefer in a light, in what order, and what types of UI people like. Should I add extra buttons to the light? Power off/on cycling like Fenix P1D-CE? How bright should the levels be?
There is even the possibility to make it programmable if I can work out a nice way for the user to do that.
Even better is, if I switch to a PIC microcontroller with ADC, I can make the processor detect a low battery condition. What I'd do when I detect it, I'm uncertain of right now. Light up a small red LED?
Your ideas, please ^_^