Flashlight with long throw.


Jul 1, 2006
I am looking for a recommendation for a light with really good throw. I am moving on my sailboat full time later this year and my wife and I will be starting our circumnavigation. I have a decent selection of EDC lights but none that fill the role of reaching out at a distance to check my surroundings/searchlight. Any suggestions? Looking to buy two as one will be a back up. Thanks
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Re: Flashlight with long useable throw.

I'd go for the Wowtac A4 V2: https://zeroair.org/2019/12/18/wowtac-a4-v2-flashlight-review/

It has a pretty usable spill and hotspot and micro USB charging (assuming you won't have an external battery charger on your boat).

If you're on a bigger and thus faster boat and want to be able to see farther ahead (the water somehow really swallows all the light), go have a look at the Noctigon K1 with W2 or W1 emitter. It has USB C charging onboard and costs about twice what the Wowtac costs.
Re: Flashlight with long useable throw.

I am looking for a recommendation for a light with really good throw. I am moving on my sailboat full time later this year and my wife and I will be starting our circumnavigation. I have a decent selection of EDC lights but none that fill the role of reaching out at a distance to check my surroundings/searchlight. Any suggestions? Looking to buy two as one will be a back up. Thanks
I can suggest the Convoy C8+ (18650)/M21A (21700) with SST20 or LH351D emitters. Plenty of candelas in a handy little package, and won't hurt your wallet if you decide they're not to your liking. Of course, this is only if you have or plan to buy a separate charger for your batteries.
Re: Flashlight with long useable throw.

Several come to mind, but what do you mean by really good throw. How far and for how long at a time? I boat on a river and get by with a Manker U22, which can light up the next buoy down river (1000 meters) for about a minute before it starts ramping down for heat. Also, buoys are painted to easily reflect a beam and thus fairly easy to see. If the desire is to light up significantly further or illuminate things that are more difficult to make out at a kilometer or more, then you might be better served with purpose made boat search light. That said, there are some handhelds such as Acebeam's K75, which can reach out a couple of kilometers and really do a good job illuminating things at one kilometer. However, it will get hot pretty quickly, as will most handheld lights. The main advantage of the purpose built mounted boat lights is that normally they are designed for extended operation without heat buildup. Of course, they do eat power, so they also have a downside.
Re: Flashlight with long useable throw.

If you want a small light with huge through, one of the best interfaces, and great battery life, my recommendation would be the Lumintop GTvn Mini - Baby Ultra Thrower R - SBT90 5700K OP REFLECTOR. That little light has impressed me more than any 30 or so that I have received in the last few years. Huge throw, but excellent spill as well.

If you want a light that will throw for over a mile and last for hours and hours, AND you don't mind a gigantic light, then I recommend something on the order of the Lumintop BLF GT90vn. I would contact Vinh for a recommendation based on your criteria, which I don't believe you have formally outlined other than reach.
Re: Flashlight with long useable throw.


I'm sure size & weight are a factor, so I'd look at an EAGTAC S25V using an Osram emitter.

check ebay and make an offer)

Re: Flashlight with long useable throw.

Streamlight Waypoint.
Re: Flashlight with long useable throw.

I can suggest the Convoy C8+ (18650)/M21A (21700) with SST20 or LH351D emitters. Plenty of candelas in a handy little package, and won't hurt your wallet if you decide they're not to your liking. Of course, this is only if you have or plan to buy a separate charger for your batteries.

How about a C8+ with the 1mm Osram Flat White emitter? I have one and it throws like crazy, like a pencil beam.
Re: Flashlight with long useable throw.

How about a C8+ with the 1mm Osram Flat White emitter? I have one and it throws like crazy, like a pencil beam.

I think that's the emitter I meant, not the 351 :ohgeez: I'm not totally on point with emitter names anymore. Fact of the matter is, yes it throws insanely far! Would be great on a maritime situation.
Re: Flashlight with long useable throw.

Thanks for the suggestions. Looking for a good distance to price ratio. How are the Acebeam products?
Re: Flashlight with long useable throw.

Thanks for the suggestions. Looking for a good distance to price ratio. How are the Acebeam products?


Shane, I'm not brand loyal or a fanboy of anything,, I buy the best performance/dollar in everything I own.
Acebeam is leading the flashlight industry by alot.

If you want to go full searchlight w/ proper voltage,, any Acebeam using a SBT90.2 is incredible.
start by looking at the smaller sized K30-GT .. performance truly unmatched for its size.
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Re: Flashlight with long useable throw.

Mateminco MT90 or Astrolux MF05 are both single SBT90.2 emitter in a very large reflector for very long throw. I bought both of them. I get excitement every time I turn them on. I think that they are currently the kings of LED throw.

My lights.
Re: Flashlight with long useable throw.

Playing devils advocate here in asking if there are brands that stand out for durability? Circumnavigating the globe may place more demands on lights compared to say casually walking the dog. Also do we know how the majority of our favorite lights, threads, protective finishes etc handle the sea environment long term? Chinese lights arent without issues either, might be difficult to get replacements. Having a spare is a good idea, but wondered if its worth the OP asking what water police, fishing boats, coast guard, search and rescue etc use in the first place. I dont actually know myself, just opening up ideas.
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Re: Flashlight with long useable throw.


Absolutely anything electronic can corrode, even some stupid overpriced Ocean Navigator Super Light from the harbor store.
Coast Guard & Police use what's given, and when when that conks out, they just get another one.
It comes down to having a backup.

maybe the industry needs a dive
style light, that runs off at least 12V and can throw .5 nautical mile (above water)

Until then = _________ & backup
Re: Flashlight with long useable throw.

All good points. Ive had several boats in the past and being on the water is definitely rough on gear.

Playing devils advocate here in asking if there are brands that stand out for durability? Circumnavigating the globe may place more demands on lights compared to say casually walking the dog. Also do we know how the majority of our favorite lights, threads, protective finishes etc handle the sea environment long term? Chinese lights arent without issues either, might be difficult to get replacements. Having a spare is a good idea, but wondered if its worth the OP asking what water police, fishing boats, coast guard, search and rescue etc use in the first place. I dont actually know myself, just opening up ideas.
Re: Flashlight with long useable throw.

I'm a dinosaur just getting into higher-powered batteries. I have a Tiablo A9 with an aspheric lens which stills projects a pretty good concentrated and narrow beam. CR123 format.

I can only imagine what some of the flamethrowers of today will produce.
Re: Flashlight with long useable throw.


Absolutely anything electronic can corrode, even some stupid overpriced Ocean Navigator Super Light from the harbor store.
Coast Guard & Police use what's given, and when when that conks out, they just get another one.It comes down to having a backup .
maybe the industry needs a dive
style light, that runs off at least 12V and can throw .5 nautical mile (above water)

Until then = _________ & backup

Not sure if that is correct. I was in military logistics and 'marine spec' is a real thing, they dont just say ' buy anything and get a backup". Replacements cost departments money. Also teams at the sharper end of the business., boarding/anti-piracy, S&R work to weight and space requirements and cant afford to buy junk. The issue with backups tactically is they are usually in storage , not on you. I would agree plenty of items are made by lowest bidder yes. Would be interested in any actual examples of what sea going departments use.
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Re: Flashlight with long useable throw.

acebeam k75. even better 2 of them, cuz it is a boat, i had several lights fall overboard and sink, and i was not sailing around the world, just boating\fishing in lakes.
How far and how tight a beam are you looking for? I'm thinking too much flood or spill might work against you in foggy or rainy conditions. For throw, the Nightcore MH40GTR has good specs. Some downsides include 2x18650's in series with a proprietary charge connector on the flashlight (I don't like charging Li batteries in series). It can also take 4x non-rechargeable CR123. At about 60% of the price a smaller light with a little less throw but using a single 21700 would be their "New P30," and going down another notch would be the MH25GT. I have no experience with these models, but have a couple other Nitecore lights, and am thinking about picking up that MH25GT in the not too distant future... although a couple of their 21700 lights are calling me.
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