flashlightreviews.com is back?


Seems like Mev needs to be contacting ...... [email protected]

to ask HIM what is going on.

The two lights Mev mentions are NOT on the original Doug P. "Archive List".........
but are on the "modified archive list" of the newly owned site , as I see it.

I don't see how Doug P. is involved in this .

Do we know who "curt" .... is ?

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grr. I'm am NOT liking this new site already.

Erm Craig, this isn't a new site. There are reviews from 2002. This Curt brought Doug's (Quickbeam) site and proceeded to plagiarize the reviews from light-reviews.com.
Erm Craig, this isn't a new site. There are reviews from 2002. This Curt brought Doug's (Quickbeam) site and proceeded to plagiarize the reviews from light-reviews.com.

eek, I mean, new owner'd site. Doug's site was one of the ones that brought me into the world of flashlights. I have nothing against him at all!
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Sorry guys, I have no control over the content of FlashlightReviews.com any more - I sold the DOMAIN NAME but NOT THE CONTENT. Guess what - soon after they had control over the domain name ***poof*** there's all my content on THEIR website. Lovely, eh?

You can find the old, real, content at http://flashlightreviews.woodlandsconnection.com - this is were I archived the last version of the website.

Doug P.
indeed that is horrible... I think someone deserves an angry email.

sorry that this is happening to you, doug.
an angry email at the very least. Quickbeam, we support YOU. Let us know if we can help.

that's unfortunate. I knew about flashlightreviews.com before CPF, it was how I became a serious flashaholic!, sad to hear about it's current fate. I hope the new owner will be more responsible than to simply plagiarize contents. I was hoping Mev from lights-review.com was actually the owner, because his contents has been appearing on the site.

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