Flashlights You Bought This Month.. October 2009.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 23, 2008
below polar circle.. in country which used to make
new month again.. i get this thread up again. as it does seem to gather nice following still.. (4pages on september.. we are one sad and sorry bunch.. hahhhahah.. some real holists amongst us.)

my first purchase of the month:

Eagletac p10a2 warm tint.

(the 40% off deal.. i tried to fight against buying it.. couldnt)
Yeah, got a P100A2 for myself... technically it was in the dying hours of September, but I won't receive it until a week or two into October.

Planning to buy an L-Mini II and a whole bunch of parts for mods this month... the wallet is sure going to be hurting!
After I saw the 4Sevens announcement for the XP-G R5 Ti Quarks and AAA flashlights, I have lost interest for any other light.
So probably my next buy will be some new XP-G light. ;)
Just bought a EagleTac P10A2 with nuetral white emmiter, a EagleTac T10C2 with nuetral emmiter. And a FMR1 Rebel from DX.

3D black mag
sigh, i wish Canada have those discount. I order a Tactical 35w HID flash

- SureFire A2 Aviator-WH (incandescent)
- Princeton Tec EOS Rebel

Light acessories:

- AW18500 LiCo cells
- Lumens Factory HO-M3T lamp assembly
- Lumens Factory HO-A2 frosted lamp assembly.
Been lurking for a while and finally signed up. This is my first post.

Ordered Eagletac P10A and P100C2 yesterday Oct. 1st. (I just couldn't pass on the 40%)

Last week I received my Quark AA, which I am very happy with, and a Fenix TK40 that for some reason I had to have. :cool:

I guess I have always been addicted to flashlights but this site is going to cost me!
I have just received a couple of lights today from Shiningbeam:
ITP A3 Upgraded Edition

I also have a Zebralight H60w on the way from Goinggear.

Then today I ordered from 4sevens:
Nitecore D10 R2
Quark AA warm-tint

With the MG PLI & H60w both being 18650 lights I also ordered 4 of the new 2600mAh 18650 cells from AW and a couple more 14500 cells for the D10 & Quark AA.

This is turning into a rather 'spendy' month!
Well, here's my first shot on this forum about flashlights. So, I am surfing and run across flashlights and such. I've seen SureFire for ever but never gave them a second thought-good stuff - but never wanted a flashlight from them

In comes NovaTac and their small line of flashlights and these things have got my curiosity. Anyway, after reading reviews and viewing many pics. of them I end up buying a NovaTac 120T. The vendor wasn't a major Tactical or survival type store but had great prices. After a week my new toy arrives and it is a dud, period. The battery worked but the expensive little light did not:hairpull:.

I call NovaTac outside a battery shop and end up with tech support and I repeat my story. Great item if it worked and so on. Well Jason said ship it back to them and they would take care of it. And, they did take care of it with a new 120T in a dark OD green instead of black, very cool! So, I end my episode w/a completely positive experience with NovaTac and with an email Jason sent me.

I received your light in this morning. Upon a full evaluation, it was concluded that the electronic module proved to be defective and was not working properly. As per our previous conversations, we will be sending you a replacement 120T in the "dark earth green" color with a flat tail switch. I personally built this replacement for you and have fully tested its lumen output, runtime, and overall functionality, and it surpasses Novatac's stated specifications. I also took the liberty of installing the pocket clip on your replacement, so this should be an "out of the box" solution for you.

I do apologize for any inconvenience this issue may have caused you, and hope this solution meets with your full satisfaction. If you have any further questions or comments please feel free to contact me at anytime. Also feel free to forward my contact information to anybody you know that may have an issue with any Novatac product. They may contact me directly and I will do everything in my power to help correct their situation.

Thank You,
Jason Wiant
Quality Assurance
Novatac Inc

Wow, that's quality tech support. I just might begin collecting these NovaTac lights after all. That was my purchase for the month.

Hi TORH-O-MATIC. Just wanted to welcome you here and its great to see Novatac helped you out fast with the 120T. Im glad you didnt give up on Novatac. They make a great light.I really like the sharp knurling on them and the ease of sellecting brightness. I have one of those in the pewter color and it works great. I want to go see how they look in green.Sounds great.:wave:
A surefire 6PL, and thinking of pulling the trigger on a Lummi wee..... Oh what the hell....:paypal:

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