this is 1/2 of an expedition fibrerglass epoxy with some of the highest efficency cells you can get , other than round ones, and they loose to much space because round things dont fit into square holes
originally it was in a light blue nylon container, with a hunk of cardboard it was riveted to, the cardboard would be on the outside when folded and zipped up, keeping impacts down.
I failed to understand what the heck good a solar cells is, folded up with its teammate in the DARK

but such it how it was built.
of course i just needed one of the 2.
originally designed for 12V charging or adapting from.
it is 8"x11" and can be trimmed to about 10.7" with bandsaw
the wiring (thank gawd) was on the back of the unit in PCB foils.
remember each pannel is designed for 6V charging some 7.5-8v or something? 1/2 of the 12v.
i wanted to charge li-ion with as much amps, and the least losses of conversion, so i halved the voltage again, and split the connecting foil on the back, as seen later. so 1/2 the voltage 2x the amps.
and that is the thing i presentally use. (really i do, just last month, i have no idea how it got that dusty) .
this is it on the External frame backpack, a Jansport D with special center weight hip belt (ok its complicated).
here is the back, and the wiring and the mount, that wire is solid copper, and it just turns the series pannel into parellel.
the wires that lead off, to the breakaway connector, are stranded copper so they will flex more.
sew-on velcro was Glued on, because adhesive velcro is useless, especially in the heat.
the velcro allows it to "breakaway" so it lands safely if i die , , , hey wait a minute :huh: also the wires are on a connector that will breakaway.
i can also pull it off the backpack and put it around the tent.
the original diode was tossed in the garbage, and a Shotkey low-voltage dropping diode was put in its place.
the mount is something i found at the hardware store, its a conduient holder, then i just added a aluminum strip, with a curved ketch at the far end. the curved end locks the pannel under, most of the pressure is on the whole velcroed strip
the mount was originally designed for the small aluminum backed cell.
this will do some 24* movement from side to side, and 200* front to back, just barely enough for all sun locations.
Max charging power (vrses any useless max power of the unit) is about 1.6-2Amps for parelel li-ion, battery voltage dependant, that way when the li-ions get more charged , it tapers off just like specs for charging the battery, if the battery is low, then it charges faster. self regulated with cutoff.
the item is connected through a protection cutoff, and a switch with led that shows output functional. (more complications)
you should be able to see the hairline fracturing in this picture, fractures effect solar cells when they disconnect the silicoln wafer areas gridded out, from the wiring that pulls the power off to use. so fractures can be zero change, or a percentage of change based on the quantity of cell removed from the curcuit.
this one is still running at 90% with all the fractures you can see there.
i intend to replace it with the other half, as it has been beat to heck.
and what good would a backpack solar be without picture OUT there , where one could be instead of making solar junk
messing around at the BLM