floody, 2 hour runtime, max lumens possible, cheap.

You can get the 2D "Brinkmann Digital 3 watt Dimmable LED Flashlight" from Target for $25. It has 4 brightness levels, and a digital control pad with 4 buttons like a remote control. It is an amazing light, and is MUCH brighter my 150 lumen Task Force LED Flashlight, and has more throw.
The Brinkmann has a very wide floody ring of spill and a wide spot, yet THROWS amazingly far. It has no problem lighting up objects 200 yards away, or flooding a large area with light. It also has an extremely long runtime and on 2D cells it should give over 2 hours of bright light.
It is not rated in lumens, but seems to output around 200. I am blown away by the power of this light. :thumbsup:
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What use?
What output?
What size?
What batteries?
What price?

A diffuser could also work on a throwy light.
You can get the 2D "Brinkmann Digital 3 watt Dimmable LED Flashlight" from Target for $25. It has 4 brightness levels, and a digital control pad with 4 buttons like a remote control. It is an amazing light, and is MUCH brighter my 150 lumen Task Force LED Flashlight, and has more throw.
The Brinkmann has a very wide floody ring of spill and a wide spot, yet THROWS amazingly far. It has no problem lighting up objects 200 yards away, or flooding a large area with light. It also has an extremely long runtime and on 2D cells it should give over 2 hours of bright light.
It is not rated in lumens, but seems to output around 200. I am blown away by the power of this light. :thumbsup:

Throw is the exact opposite of flood. :whistle:
Throw is the exact opposite of flood. :whistle:

This light has amazing throw due to its immense brightness. However, it has a much floodier beam than my other LED flashlights with tighter beams, but still out throws them due to being brighter. For example, my Task Force has a much smaller spot and much dimmer spill than the Brinkmann, but since the Brinkmann is brighter it still out throws the Task Force even with a much floodier beam.
I don't own any other LED flashlights this bright with such a great combination of throw and flood.
The Coleman LED spotlight has a very tight beam and is not floody at all.
This light has amazing throw due to its immense brightness. However, it has a much floodier beam than my other LED flashlights with tighter beams, but still out throws them due to being brighter.

That's because your entire collection (from what you have posted) is throw-based.
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Take this and apply it under any lens to gain more flood!

One particular strength of this stuff can kill 100% of the throw of a Malkoff so it'll work on a cheaper/weaker light easy enough.