FM35 and FM36 filter observation


Newly Enlightened
Aug 8, 2008
I recently noticed some interesting things with two of my flip up filters

I have two surefire 6p's one with a high out put LED drop in and one with the factory p60 incandescent bulb.

When I put the FM35 Red filter on the LED light its not very bright (I know its not suppose to be) but When I put it on the P60 incandescent light its much brighter

The FM36 blue filter is just the opposite. Very Bright on the LED and not very bright on the P60 incandescent bulb

Does anyone know why they are like that?
I recently noticed some interesting things with two of my flip up filters

I have two surefire 6p's one with a high out put LED drop in and one with the factory p60 incandescent bulb.

When I put the FM35 Red filter on the LED light its not very bright (I know its not suppose to be) but When I put it on the P60 incandescent light its much brighter

The FM36 blue filter is just the opposite. Very Bright on the LED and not very bright on the P60 incandescent bulb

Does anyone know why they are like that?

A incan light has a full spectrum, i.e. the light contains all colors.

Leds are blue, with some phosphor that converts some of the blue light to green/yellow light.

At the led museum your can see the color contents of a led:

And a incan:
This is the output of incandescent bulb:


This is the output of LED:


Should be pretty clear why. :)
Thank you. The graphs do make it clear.

another thing I noticed with the FM 35 Red filter is when you hold it at an angle you get white/blueish light.


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