I know alot of us are pro RKBA here so I thought I would post that the DC gunban has just been overturned and the 2nd was flat out said to be an individual right. The court is even taking the time to refute all the arguments against this, including using that the world PEOPLE in every amendment means the individual and therefore also means it in the 2nd.
This is a big day for us pro RKBA folks.
For those anti RKBA I post this only to inform the folks who care. I do not do so to flame, argue or in anyway call to task your opinions. This is informational only.
This is a big day for us pro RKBA folks.
For those anti RKBA I post this only to inform the folks who care. I do not do so to flame, argue or in anyway call to task your opinions. This is informational only.