For those that have the DB 18 Led


Mar 30, 2001
Toronto, Ontario
Is there anyway I can put in a 19th led in the middle of the led array???
I think that would help with further distance since there is a "hole" in the middle of the beam.
Any thoughts guys???
Looking at mine I`d have to say no, not really. In the middle (on the back of the board) is where the 2 pins go back and stick into the holes where the bulb used to go. In theory you could perhaps drill an extra couple of holes of the correct spacing and solder an LED there but it would be seriously overdriven and, being right in the middle of a load of others, probably would overheat since it would have no cooling. There is little room to add a resistor.

Of course Tektite get away with overdriving 19 LEDs in a similar sized array in their Expedition 1900 light (I think- I still can`t afford one of those so I can see myself) so it might be OK. I`m not sure but in the case of the DB18 I think an extra LED would need an appropriate resistor to limit it.

When you say there is a hole in the beam- what do you mean? What colour did you get- my white one gives a very smooth (ever so slightly violet tinted) beam with no rings or holes. Other LED colours might have rings in their individual beams and in that case you really can`t doo much to improve it by adding an extra LED.

i was jus wondering,
is it that diffiuclt to make your own DB18??
and u have to pay 5 times the price for someone to do it for u?

could this be done to a 3C or D mag??

the mag has bigger heads so maybe u could get more leds in??
Hmmm...well there is only a hole in the beam when used up close. Otherwise if it is further away the beam is very smooth and has no hole in it either. Oh and my light is white.
As for being hard to make. I would say not really if you are handy with a soldering gun

However at the cost of 18 led's and time spent to put it together, I do think that it is worth the pricey price tag!!!
Actually I ordered one!!!
I've had it for about a month...and I love it!
Used it for camping last week, proved to be very useful...still haven't changed the batteries yet!