For your dearly departed........



Check it out....

I am pretty sure that it uses LED's...If my kids did this for me, I would haunt them for life

Wow. those are a lot of money. I do think there could be a market for led lights that flicker like a candle...romantic settings...wilderness lodges...theme parks...but not at those prices.
$589.00 ??????
It's clear where their heart really is. The first thing they need to do though, in their pursuit of wealth, is to find a new name for their product.
It looks so... funerary.

Why must everything in this genre look like it was lifted out of the funeral home? I saw enough "fixtures" with this look in the week or so after we lost Grandma. You'd think something a little more cheerful could be designed as a permanent rememberance. After all, you want to remember their life, not the week or more you spent at the funeral home picking out flowers, coffins, cards, headstones, urns and related stuff and wondering where that odd smell was coming from.

But if somebody were to get me one, I would still use it as a rememberance as it was meant, even if it looks like it came from the Butterworth-Manning House.

If only I had $700...
All i have to say about those prices would be: OUCH!

this "ouch" is with all secret implications present.
We all know there are people actually buying these things. All I know is when it is my time cremate and do whatever you want with what's left of me.
I gotta agree, that's pretty -damned- expensive for what basically amounts to a photon 3 in an inverted drinking glass with a nice base.

I wonder what the justification for the prices are? is the uController (I assume it's a generic PIC) software they are using -that- revolutionary? $500 for ~32k of asm code?

the mind boggles
another conversion for the cathlic churches :) no disrespect intended.

how about being creamated via 50,000 luxeon hidomes :) save money on gas