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Sold/Expired FOUND a JHanko original creation, open to different ones


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 9, 2010
So. Calif.
I just love the work of JHanko, so I thought I'd put a want to buy ad out to see if anyone is looking to sell one of theirs.

I'm quite fond of those 3D looking, multi-tritted gems. Does not have to be in mint condition because I know my purse is not in mint condition either! :sick2:

Feel free to drop me a line or post one that you're NOT going to sell just to get to me :poke: It's all good.


***Edit, found and purchased, lovecpf
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Re: WTB a JHanko original creation, open to different ones

Ah, that's a good choice. His stuff is incredible. (I've got his EX10 titanium with red tritium vials and it's one of the very few lights that I have that I can't see myself selling or trading.)
Re: WTB a JHanko original creation, open to different ones

Lisa...contact him and see if he'll build you your very own1 You know ahead of time what the cost will be from his prior sales threads! :thinking:
Re: WTB a JHanko original creation, open to different ones

Lisa...contact him and see if he'll build you your very own1 You know ahead of time what the cost will be from his prior sales threads! :thinking:

I'll do that if I don't get any nibbles on my WTB ad.
Re: WTB a JHanko original creation, open to different ones

You have good taste. My first and only Ti light is by JHanko and it's definitely a keeper. :D
Re: WTB a JHanko original creation, open to different ones

While a D10 or an EX10 would be really great, I'd be happy already to get a few pistons with trits for my stock lights... :candle:

Each time a light by him was offered here, it was already gone when I discovered the thread. To snag one, you need to be at the right place at the right time and have the necessary cash handy (once upon a time...).

Good luck with your search, keep us informed! :wave:
Re: WTB a JHanko original creation, open to different ones

Not really sure why I insist on bumping this back up, but I do.

Here's hoping I get a nibble! :naughty:
Re: WTB a JHanko original creation, open to different ones

You might get lucky. If you get it directly from JHanko, you're looking at about $600. The D10 is such a great light, a perfect choice to build his artwork around. So you end up with this light that is so perfect to use, but so pretty,valuable and small that it is scary to take it out of the house.