found something in my food that shouldnt be


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 16, 2004
Today i cooked two mini sliders for lunch, i bought them yesterday, as i was grilling today i thought something does not look right, and i picked out two plastic zip tie pieces 1" 1/2, each, from one of the burgers. tomorrow i am going to take the burgers which are now in my freeser with the package from the garbage back to the store and tell them and show them what happened, but i am not going to give them the plastic pieces. I also plan to contact the burger company, amd thats as far as i got, i dont know how i am going to present it yet. what do you think
I think it's pretty disgusting & is why I don't eat fast food hamburgers.

Once in college I found part of a plastic six pack can strap in a bottle of Henry's Blue Boar.
I never drank that beer again & the thought of finding something like you did in the burger (just grind it all up!) really grosses me out.

You don't even want to know what else makes it's way into a fast food burger...:crazy:
I used to work in the meat department of a grocery store. You'd be surprised what we'd throw in there. Not always beef, either.
Actually it was a pre packed item from another company distributed through this grocery store, it was not packed by the grocer. i think i am going to contact the dept of health tomorrow,that stuff need to stay off the shelf
You should definitely let them know, but don't make a huge scene about it. Nothing's perfect, including food, and you did your job as a consumer by inspecting the food before you ate it. I'd say for that you deserve a refund and an envelope full of coupons, or whatever companies give pissed-off customers these days.
At least there wasn't something other than the meat which had been alive once. I found a roach in Chinese food once. :sick2: :barf:
Actually it was a pre packed item from another company distributed through this grocery store, it was not packed by the grocer. i think i am going to contact the dept of health tomorrow,that stuff need to stay off the shelf

If you don't mind me asking, what brand was it? Did you get to take any pictures?

Read "Fast Food Nation" and you'll get a kick out of what the USDA (and other government agencies) lets ConAgra and ADM get away with. They epitomize corporate evil.

While it's not human food, I've found bits of latex gloves and red/blue plastic strips in canned cat food. Pretty disgusting.:(
the brand is one great burger company, no pics but i have the pieces in a bag and they are brownish from seaoning and from cooking
I found a big chunk of bone in a burger once. I didn't eat the bone.

That happened to me when I was younger. I had a mouth full of loose baby teeth, and had a Burger King burger. Bit down on it, stopped mid-chew, and puled out what I thought was a tooth... Freaked me out for a minute, I don't know why, I guess because I didn't feel a tooth get puled out. Thought it was a molar...

Just a peice of bone... I didn't finish the sandwich, but I realized that nothing is perfect 100% of the time, so we did't make a big deal out of it.
yesterday someone from the dept of agriculture and markets came out to pick up the stuff, they are going to take it to a lab for testing, as well as taking some samples from the store. They are going to keep me posted, i also have some pictures of the plastic pieces. I will post those tonight
Today i cooked two mini sliders for lunch, i bought them yesterday, as i was grilling today i thought something does not look right, and i picked out two plastic zip tie pieces 1" 1/2, each, from one of the burgers. tomorrow i am going to take the burgers which are now in my freeser with the package from the garbage back to the store and tell them and show them what happened, but i am not going to give them the plastic pieces. I also plan to contact the burger company, amd thats as far as i got, i dont know how i am going to present it yet. what do you think

what is it that you want to occur? a refund? a huge settlement? a coupon?
Actually thoughts did cross my mind, but i really dont want nor do i expect anything, If a little kid was eating it and scarfing it down they could have choked, this is just to make the problem known/
That's pretty nasty! Check out "new bigmac w/rock" on youtube, me and my dad were eating at Mcdonalds and he bit down on a small rock that was in the meat! It was somewhat disturbing, but I still eat there haha.
[...] I had a mouth full of loose baby teeth, and had a Burger King burger. [...]

Young kids shouldn't be eating burgers anyways.....

And i'm actually a bit shocked to see how much junk gets in food in country as developed as the US! I'm not saying everything is perfect over here but i've worked for one of the largest dutch semi-ready meat producing factories (they deliver their products to supermarkets, hotels and restaurants) and you should see how strict everything is there!
if you want to win the case against them, get sick and go the hospital..

That would help a case but isn't necessary. There is lots of California case law about foreign objects in food and drink. In 1980 I received $1500, a case of Dr. Pepper and a I'm a pepper tee shirt because of a cockroach that was in my bottle of Dr. Pepper.

After the insurance investigator from Dr. Pepper signed off on the deal he told me he wouldn't drink anything that he couldn't see through.
Young kids shouldn't be eating burgers anyways.....

And i'm actually a bit shocked to see how much junk gets in food in country as developed as the US! I'm not saying everything is perfect over here but i've worked for one of the largest dutch semi-ready meat producing factories (they deliver their products to supermarkets, hotels and restaurants) and you should see how strict everything is there!

Well it's not bad here. The fact that only incidents of contamination are reported in this thread makes the state of food preparation in the United States seem worse than it is. This thread currently has over 500 views, so let's say 100 people have viewed it. In the thread there are 7 reported cases of human food contamination spanning 30 years, presumably all from the United States. Assuming that the 93 people who have read the thread and did not report a food contamination incident have not had one in the past 30 years and that each of the 100 people ate 3 meals per day for the past 30 years, there's a 7/3,287,500 (1/469,607) chance that that a given meal eaten by one of those people will be contaminated.

I do not know if the above is accurate with respect to the rest of the U.S.'s population.

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