Found this today, any BBQ fans out there?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 7, 2008
So I have always been on the lookout for a good lighter for BBQ use, I hope this one lasts longer than all others I have tried. Not only is it a refillable lighter, it has a built in bottle opener. So you are asking yourself, "and how does this pertain the flashlights"?.........


The small button above the lighter switch activates the light built into the end :thumbsup:


Hot dawg!! 3 tools in 1... I frequently grill after dark with a zebralight around my neck collar and a beer at my side.
my roommate bought one of those last year. The LED didnt last very long. not sure if it was from the heat or what. the bottle opener and lighter work just fine though
my roommate bought one of those last year. The LED didnt last very long. not sure if it was from the heat or what. the bottle opener and lighter work just fine though

Yeah, I have no doubt it will die sooner than later, but I thought it was too cool not to give it a try.

Oh, BTW, I found this one a Orchard Supply (OSH) by the check-outs ($6.99).
Is it a high CRI LED? Is it RCR compatible? Can it be bored out to accept 18650? Runtime? OTF lumens? I need details!!:nana:
So, the lighter is aimed at your stomach when you open a beer? I would not want to operate that machinery while intoxicated.