Re: FS: 2D Maglite with 3 watt LED, O-sink, UCL $
Congrats gl22man & Orion.
gl22man, these Mag2D are great thrower.
Here's a quick from one of the FlexMag-T that I made for a fellow CPFer.

Mini FatMan -> XFlash's FlexMag-T -> FlexMag-V

FlexMag-T @ 1000mA @ 8' to the wall
Canon A80 | Manual | ISO100 | Shutter 1s | Aperature F5.0 | Auto White balance

FlexMag-T @ 1000mA -> Mini FatMag @ 1200mA @ 8' to the wall
Canon A80 | Manual | ISO100 | Shutter 1s | Aperature F5.0 | Auto White balance

FlexMag-T @ 1000mA -> Mini FatMag @ 1200mA @ 8' to the wall
Canon A80 | Manual | ISO100 | Shutter 1/10s | Aperature F5.0 | Auto White balance

FlexMag-T @ 1000mA -> Mini FatMag @ 1200mA @
Canon A80 | Manual | ISO100 | Shutter 15s | Aperature F5.0 | Auto White balance

FlexMag-T @ 1000mA -> Mini FatMag @ 1200mA
Canon A80 | Manual | ISO100 | Shutter 15s | Aperature F5.0 | Auto White balance