I have one unassembled and another assembled. both with triple XP-G R5 boards and handlebar mounts. The assembled unit has had 10 minutes of use.
[hot linked images removed by Darell, CPF Admin]
$250 AUD each (I will ship worldwide)
Hot-linking images without permission is forbidden on CPF. And please note that I find distasteful at best, the idea of buying somebody else's product only to copy the design and sell it as your own. Can we at least have a morals check here? - Darell.
[hot linked images removed by Darell, CPF Admin]
$250 AUD each (I will ship worldwide)
Hot-linking images without permission is forbidden on CPF. And please note that I find distasteful at best, the idea of buying somebody else's product only to copy the design and sell it as your own. Can we at least have a morals check here? - Darell.
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