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Sold/Expired FS: FM Mag Bezels/14670MMag/Old Style 4C Mags, Nickel 3D **Price Drops**


May 23, 2005
3. FM Crenelated Bezels $25 Each, 2 For $45, 4 For $80

I have two in Black and two in Gray


8. Ledean Modded 14670 Minimag with BHC $85 Each


These are modded with Seoul P4 Sandwiches as sold in this thread
http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=109064. They both have Terralux tailswitches and 27mm BHC heads as sold here http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=129078. These heads can not be used on MM LED bodies.

10. Surefire 2 Cell Lights $55 Each



11. Assorted Mags

Two Old Style 4C's in packaging $35 Each
One Old Style 4c no packaging $25 SOLD
One Nickel Plated 3D mag with Grooved Body and Finned Head. $75 SOLD


PM Me for paypal info.

Prices include shipping within the USA. PM me for a quote on international shipping.
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Re: FS: Mammoth/FM Bezels,Reflectors,3C,Tailcaps/14670MMag/Malkoff M60/Icarus 1D and

Sorry, I thought you had C protected cells for sale...
Re: FS: Mammoth/FM Bezels,Reflectors,3C,Tailcaps/14670MMag/Malkoff M60/Icarus 1D and

9. Black Taclite M series MCE head $80

Re: FS: Mammoth/FM Bezels,Reflectors,3C,Tailcaps/14670MMag/Malkoff M60/Icarus 1D and

Would you take $130 for.

Two Old Style 4C's in packaging $40 Each
5. FM 3C For AW Black label cells (these do not fit 26mm cells) $55

If so Ill take it.
Re: FS: Mammoth/FM Bezels,Reflectors,3C,Tailcaps/14670MMag/Malkoff M60/Icarus 1D and

I'll take both of these.

Malkoff M60 $50 Each

paypal sent

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Re: FS: Mammoth/FM Bezels,Reflectors,3C,Tailcaps/14670MMag/Malkoff M60/Icarus 1D and

Is the cam removable from the FM reflectors?
Re: FS: Mammoth/FM Bezels,Reflectors,3C,Tailcaps/14670MMag/Icarus 1D and more

Malkoff M60's and M Series MC-E head sold and shipped.
Re: FS: Mammoth/FM Bezels,Reflectors,3C,Tailcaps/14670MMag/Icarus 1D and more

What battery carrier does the Mammoth use?

Re: FS: Mammoth/FM Bezels,Reflectors,3C,Tailcaps/14670MMag/Icarus 1D and more

What battery carrier does the Mammoth use?


I use the battery carrier that Modamag designed for the Colossus


I have a short body Mammoth that I will be keeping and I use that battery carrier in it.

The Mammoth has a lot of space inside and the battery carrier doesn't fill the entire diameter of the tube. I am convinced the reason for this is to allow the use of battery adapters from Fivemega's original Elephants.

The Mammoth also has an adjustable tailcap spring mount that can be threaded in and out to raise or lower the height of the spring to accommodate unusual battery combos.
Re: FS: Mammoth/FM Bezels,Reflectors,3C,Tailcaps/14670MMag/Icarus 1D and more

I'm very interested in both the FM deep Mag C tailcaps

Will you ship to the UK ??
Re: FS: Mammoth/FM Bezels,Reflectors,3C,Tailcaps/14670MMag/Icarus 1D and more

I'm very interested in both the FM deep Mag C tailcaps

Will you ship to the UK ??

Yes PM me your address so that I can check with the PO what the costs will be.
Re: FS: Mammoth/FM Bezels,Reflectors,3C,Tailcaps/14670MMag/Icarus 1D and more

PM sent
Re: FS: Mammoth/FM Bezels,Reflectors,3C,Tailcaps/14670MMag/Icarus 1D and more

I'll take both FM VLOP reflectors, if int'l shipping is acceptable.

Sending PM...

- Syncytial
Re: FS: Mammoth/FM Bezels,Reflectors,3C,Tailcaps/14670MMag/Icarus 1D and more

FM VLOP reflectors have been shipped.
Re: FS: Mammoth/FM Bezels,Reflectors,3C,Tailcaps/14670MMag/Icarus 1D and more

:paypal: for 2 x FM deep SS Mag C tailcaps

Many Thanks
Re: FS: Mammoth/FM Bezels,FM3C/14670MMag/Icarus 1D/Old Style 4C Mags and more

Tailcaps have arrived ..... 4 days shipping across the Atlantic :twothumbs

Many Thanks
Re: FS: Mammoth/FM Bezels,FM3C/14670MMag/Icarus 1D/Old Style 4C Mags and more


5. FM 3C For AW Black label cells (these do not fit 26mm cells) $55

If you can PM me total cost including shipping, I'll PP you ASAP
