ARC mania
Flashlight Enthusiast
As I was cleaning out the house today I found a small box and upon opening it, I realized that the contents were limited edition Extreme III's with the guaranteed tint and serial number that I've been looking for the longest time. I would like to sell these remainders here at CPF. All in all to be exact, only 35pcs were ever made. What made these Extreme III's different were that they have a smooth reflector, special Rebel LED with very low VF and pure white tint, serial numbered and a special beacon mode in low. All 10pcs are firsts and would like to ask for $100.00. This includes PP fees and express mail shipping to anywhere in the world. These limited edition models sold for a much higher price but since I just have a handful I thought I'd let them go at the above price. If you are interested in purchasing one of these limited edition Extreme III's, send me a PM or post here with the serial number of your choice. My Paypal e-mail address is: arcmania (at) hotmail (dot) com When sending payment making sure to include your CPF name.
One word of caution is that these Limited edition Extreme III's are not made to use 10440 batteries due to the LED having a very low VF. Some are as low as 3.02 volts at 350ma. Using a 10440 will cause the converter to go into direct drive and the LED will fry.
ARC mania
One word of caution is that these Limited edition Extreme III's are not made to use 10440 batteries due to the LED having a very low VF. Some are as low as 3.02 volts at 350ma. Using a 10440 will cause the converter to go into direct drive and the LED will fry.
ARC mania

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