ARC mania
Flashlight Enthusiast
NEW KIB Cree XR-E UPGRADE modules for sale.
Soon, your KIB light can be much brighter. I've made all of the light engines and this is the brightest one yet. Only 8 new light engines with custom ground reflectors using the upgrade, new and brighter, Cree XR-E LED emitter modules are available for immediate shipping $139.00. The light engine will be shipped either Global express mail with tracking or Black Cat with tracking.
You must own a KIB light kit, the one that came with the multi-body and the multi-voltage converter, to take advantage of the deal. For future upgrades, the lights were carefully designed to easily replace the light engines. The future is now. This new light engine can be screwed in. The emitter bin is guaranteed P4 (WD tint) brightness and is twice as bright as the first generation KIB light engine with the same runtime.
Everything is included. A new reflector, light engine, E-can and emitter are custom made in Japan. You can proudly show off the advantages and brightness of your light after the light is upgraded.
Only 8 are available. First come, first served. This is for the LIGHT ENGINE UPGRADE KIT ONLY. You must own a KIB light to take advantage of the deal. It is a limited time offer and I reserve the right to pull the deal at anytime. But if you get one early then I'll honor your request. Tell your friends- there are a lot of KIB lights out there.
Please send your payment via Paypal to ---------------------- Upon making payment, if you are paying by credit card, you need to include 4% to the $139.00. Also make sure to include your complete shipping address, what you are paying for and, CPF NAME. Thank you.
2..Spy008 - SHIPPED
3..TranquilityBase - SHIPPED
4..LouRoy - SHIPPED
5..Regentag - SHIPPED
6..Elakazam - SHIPPED
7..Leef - SHIPPED
8..flashgreenie - SHIPPED
ARC mania

Soon, your KIB light can be much brighter. I've made all of the light engines and this is the brightest one yet. Only 8 new light engines with custom ground reflectors using the upgrade, new and brighter, Cree XR-E LED emitter modules are available for immediate shipping $139.00. The light engine will be shipped either Global express mail with tracking or Black Cat with tracking.
You must own a KIB light kit, the one that came with the multi-body and the multi-voltage converter, to take advantage of the deal. For future upgrades, the lights were carefully designed to easily replace the light engines. The future is now. This new light engine can be screwed in. The emitter bin is guaranteed P4 (WD tint) brightness and is twice as bright as the first generation KIB light engine with the same runtime.
Everything is included. A new reflector, light engine, E-can and emitter are custom made in Japan. You can proudly show off the advantages and brightness of your light after the light is upgraded.
Only 8 are available. First come, first served. This is for the LIGHT ENGINE UPGRADE KIT ONLY. You must own a KIB light to take advantage of the deal. It is a limited time offer and I reserve the right to pull the deal at anytime. But if you get one early then I'll honor your request. Tell your friends- there are a lot of KIB lights out there.
Please send your payment via Paypal to ---------------------- Upon making payment, if you are paying by credit card, you need to include 4% to the $139.00. Also make sure to include your complete shipping address, what you are paying for and, CPF NAME. Thank you.
2..Spy008 - SHIPPED
3..TranquilityBase - SHIPPED
4..LouRoy - SHIPPED
5..Regentag - SHIPPED
6..Elakazam - SHIPPED
7..Leef - SHIPPED
8..flashgreenie - SHIPPED
ARC mania
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