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Sold/Expired FS:*Sale over*. (No love) 800 lumen Regulated 3D P7 black Mag


Nov 21, 2008
Northern Minnesota
UPDATE: I have had 1,300 views and have figured out how to add pictures and have even (I think) setup a PayPal account and no takers yet...... So heres what im gonna do. If the light dosent sell by 7pm CST on march 4, 2009, I will be giving the light to a guy I work with who I have been informing about lights for a few months. The light, reflectors, and 4 Nimh 10000mah tenergy cells. The only thing he will have to buy is a charger. I am hoping to try to convert the world to be Flashaholics one person at a time. If I can convert even one, mission accomplished LOL *Tear*. So you have about 3 days left of this sale.

I have for sale a 3D black P7 mag. Light is bacially new and in mint condition. I purchased this awhile ago and have since found brighter things so my P7 has got to go. It came with the stock plastic SMO reflector but I stippled it. I would have to say it turned out amazing. I added a new extra thick UCL and also have a 2 in. MOP aluminum reflector I bought from The Sandwhich Shoppe I will throw in if you would like it. Light also has GITD paint around the emitter. Light is regulated to run 3-3.5 hours on Nimh cells.

Originally purchased from this thread: http://www.cpfmarketplace.com/mp/showthread.php?p=2210611

Im wanting $105 $100 shipped to the CONUS Priority Mail.

Method of payment is Money Order or PayPal. I have just set up the account. I am trying to catch up with the times and might have to have some talking through the darn thing. Please PM me with questions.

Happy looking.
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Re: FS: 3D P7 black Mag

I live 20 miles from you and go to Lincoln every day, what price in pounds ?
Re: FS: 3D P7 black Mag

Ummm... I guess Im not sure what the price would be in pounds. You come to lincoln everyday, do you not have access to american dollar bills? I guess I dont really understand. Please clearify.
Re: FS: 3D P7 black Mag

Ummm... I guess Im not sure what the price would be in pounds. You come to lincoln everyday, do you not have access to american dollar bills? I guess I dont really understand. Please clearify.

He thinks you live in england
Re: FS: 800 lumen 3D P7 black Mag

Yes i made a mistake and thought it might be Lincoln UK. Would have been interested if i could have collected it:(:oops:
Re: FS: 800 lumen 3D P7 black Mag

just out of curiosity what did you find that you liked that was brighter in what I guess was a similar form/factor. Seems like a pretty nice light to me.
Re: FS: 800 lumen 3D P7 black Mag

just for the hell of it, it would have been $73.27 at today's rate.
No need for thanks, just being a good CPFer.
Re: FS: 800 lumen 3D P7 black Mag

Hey vhyper. I got my hands on a Malkoff Quad drop-in putting out 1000 lumens and thats being modest. Also I have a Malkoff Triple drop-in on the way.

I really enjoyed the P7 for the short while I had it but IMO you can only have so many HIGH output M*gs if your a user like me and not a collector.

Thanks for the conversion... got that cleard up.

Light is stil for sale. :thumbsup:
Re: FS: 800 lumen 3D P7 black Mag (Price drop)

I actually prefer a P7 or MC-E in a Maglite because it makes for an excellent quality high-powered single emitter flashlight. Just as suggestion that it's much easier to sell something here with a Paypal account as well as a good set of pictures. Unless you've got some sort of issues with Paypal, I can't see any reason why not to have an account with them for general online transactions. Photobucket also is an excellent website to post pictures and link to them from here.
Re: FS: 800 lumen 3D P7 black Mag (Price drop)

Thanks for the advice. I have sold and bought numerous things on here with Money Orders. I know there is the convience factor of PayPal, I just am an old school guy and dont like the idea of it. True it prob does hinder my chances of a sale but I have just learned to deal with that.

As for the pictures, I am computer dumb and am lucky to be this advanced :crackup:. I can email pictures of the P7 M*g but havent figured out how to post pictures on the sale thread. Thank you to those who have done buisness with me in the past and have had patience with me in my lack of computer smarts.