Fun Color Hosts?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 11, 2007
Orlando, FL
Anybody making Surefiroids in bright fun colors? I ran across the one red 3p to grace the BST in the last... like, decade, and it made me sad that there's not more like that.
Well, there was a G2 thread a while back w/ some interesting colors. And the "flame anodizing" thread had ideas. The C&HB forum has some M@G factory and custom color work. Otherwise than that don't recall much SF "color'...
A few of mine:





A few of mine:






I love that purple A2 and 6P. Does SureFire announce these special runs beforehand so you can order them, or do they just show up on dealer's shelves and disappear overnight?
I love that purple A2 and 6P. Does SureFire announce these special runs beforehand so you can order them, or do they just show up on dealer's shelves and disappear overnight?

You probably have to know somebody, who knows somebody, who then knows somebody else. :) Lol
You probably have to know somebody, who knows somebody, who then knows somebody else. :) Lol

... who knows Paul Kim. :shakehead

The lime green Icon Rogues were a good start, but they've got some kind of freaky scary alkaline-babying regulation designed to wring the most watt-hours out of your cells. If not for that, I'd have probably sucked it up and grabbed a Rogue 1, and if I could buy them at Radio Shack in anything but 'blacktical' I would have.

Surefire used to do 3Ps in a handful of colors - firetruck red and kelly green are the two that spring to mind - and I'd have bought a C2 if they could be bought in orange for less than a grand.

I am sick of blacktical. Maybe next time Gene posts a batch of EMS orange MD2s I'll help myself to one.
SureFire (or PK, perhaps more accurately) used to experiment with producing quite a few models in a range of colours. Some of these lights were sold in limited numbers through dealers, others were given away to friends as gifts, and still others were given to CPF as gifts for give-aways.

For better or for worse, SureFire is a much bigger entity now than it was back then, and these colourful experiments have been one of the casualties of an increase in size and workload.

The 30th anniversary E1B/EWP-01 set is evidence that SureFire still dabbles with special/limited editions from time to time, albeit in a different way.

ICON is a different beast altogether, and we're far more likely to see PK releasing different colour and limited edition ICONs than SureFires. The Rogue may appear in different colours (as a matter of standard production) if demand from dealers is sufficient. PK has already experimented with a wide range of different colour possibilities for the Modus - he has even posted some of them here on CPF.

ICON places an emphasis on aesthetics, and this simultaneously makes seeing interesting colours (beyond black and grey) more likely, but also more difficult as every product has to "fit" with the rest of the lineup. For example, the Rogues have already established a colour palette of green/grey/black, and any potential fourth colour would have to look at home with the others.

One way or another, I'm certainly in favour of seeing some more colour in our choice of flashlights beyond one-offs, small runs and limited editions.

CPFer ElectronGuru (ably assisted by Mrs. Guru) does a number of different colors/mods of SF lights. See his threads for details, or his new website (in his sigline).