Fun flashlight game for kids


Newly Enlightened
Aug 27, 2009
Massachusetts, USA
I "invented" a wonderful game for kids that you can play at night or on rainy days. It's called "frog hide and seek". My kid (almost 6) goes though phases. Right now he likes frogs, snakes, bugs, etc.

Here's how it came about: I was strolling through the dollar store (looking for flashlights) when I happened upon a package of plastic frogs. So I picked them up, thinking the kid would enjoy them. Some days later, he was whining because he couldn't decide what to play for "quiet time" before bed. So I say, "Want to look for frogs?"

So I hide the frogs, turn out the lights, give him a flashlight, and he has fun looking for them. (He likes to use my Cree A10).

So there you go. A fun game with frogs and flashlights (what kid could resist that). Feel free to modify as necessary and share your ideas.
Great idea.

I've a very distant memory of my mother getting my little sister and I ready for bed by first having us look all through the house for ghosts or witches or some sort of monster. Having been thus satisfied that we were safe it was easier to settle down for the night. It took awhile to complete our search of closets and bedrooms equipped as we were with but a very primitive and dim flashlight. Of course, with a 1,000 lumen P7 the job might have been finished in one-tenth the time.
Reminds me of a good friend who grew up in New York...except they looked for live roaches!

When I was in Arizona...I use to play "find the black widow spiders & scorpions" at night around the house when I came home from swing shift...

Yeah, plastic frogs sound better for sure! :twothumbs

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