Fun on the water: lit up some wakeboarders


Jul 27, 2009
NE Indiana
i read a story on here last night where one man blasted his drunk neighbors. then i realized that i had a story from last summer that i had never shared. i live on a lake that's a little over 300 sq acres, just big enough for skiing. from my vantage i can see virtually every bit of shoreline and its all w/in .8 miles or less of me. being a fisherman i'm already put off by skiers and wakeboarders and since our lake is a big oval w/out any seawalls we get hammered by boaters from another much larger lake one short channel away.
last summer the poop really hit the fan. some bone-head kids decided to take daddy's $70K 2009 Air Nautique out after mid-night. i didn't bother to call law enforcement as it would have likely taken too long for them to bring a boat and launch it...i would've been right. the next weekend they did it again. after 20min i called dispatch. i observed them for another 30min during most of which they spent teaching a noob how to wake skate under the lights of their tower. did i mention this was around 2am? after 30min i decided to light them up w/ my B&D V2 and a dual H-3 halogen (~20mil CP). they got the hint but once they shut off their tower and nav lights and realized they were still in plain view they raced to the channel. by this time i had launched my boat from the lift and cruised into the channel behind them w/ my own lights off and out of sight behind a couple turns in the channel. i could see them shining their own light back to look for anyone following but i never gave them line of sight. when i rounded the last bend i could see their nav lights now on as well as those of another boat at the channel entrance. a few seconds later it was cherries and berries. the CO's shut off their lights after a few seconds and it took me another minute to idle w/in range of them. the only lights visible during this time were nav lights and a nichia blue flashlight used by a CO searching the boat (poor guy). i decided to have a little fun w/ play dumb:shrug:. as i passed i kept the full moon to my back to obscure their view of me and called out to them, "you guys need a tow?" <pause> "no thanks, were fine." as cruised a little closer i asked, "you wouldn't happen to be that boat that was wakeboarding a little while ago would ya?" <looooong pause> "yes, sir" in a most dejected tone. at that point i pulled a 180 and started right back into the channel (as if to say: hint, hint...i'm the one who called). i then asked them one final question..."were you guys teaching somebody to wakeskate for their first time ever in the middle of the night? it sounded like thats what you were saying as your voices carried over the water." <'nuther looooong pause> "yes, sir" in an even more shameful tone. my sardonic reply, "holy poop!!! thats just outstanding, you folks have a great weekend!"
i haven't seen them at all this summer which kinda bums me out because i was dying to use my SR90 on them.
That is fun isn't it?

When I hear stories about people like your wake boarders it always reminds me: life is hard when you're dumb.
