Fun with Flashlights


Newly Enlightened
May 28, 2008
Near Boston
Last Friday, on my way home from work, I stopped to buy an A2 (red LED). I blame that A2 thread index and js's glowing (hah!) review of it. That night my wife and I and some friends went to see REM at the local outdoor concert place. Of course I had my A2 with me, because I had just gotten it.

We're in the middle of the show and my wife points out some guy crawling through the catwalks somewhere far off from where we were stitting. "Hey", I thought, "great test for the A2." So I highlighted the guy from probably 70 feet out. Everyone in our section was all agog about the bright little light. My wife rolled her eyes.

I just can't help myself sometimes! Ever do anything like that with your lights which just elicits groans from your friends or significant others?
Last Friday, on my way home from work, I stopped to buy an A2 (red LED). I blame that A2 thread index and js's glowing (hah!) review of it. That night my wife and I and some friends went to see REM at the local outdoor concert place. Of course I had my A2 with me, because I had just gotten it.

We're in the middle of the show and my wife points out some guy crawling through the catwalks somewhere far off from where we were stitting. "Hey", I thought, "great test for the A2." So I highlighted the guy from probably 70 feet out. Everyone in our section was all agog about the bright little light. My wife rolled her eyes.

I just can't help myself sometimes! Ever do anything like that with your lights which just elicits groans from your friends or significant others?

:laughing:, I try to keep a low profile with lights most of the time.

Actually, I recently traded my SF E1B for a SF A2 w/ RED LED. I blame it on the A2 threads and js. :D
I was at a Disturbed concert, and i had my TK10 with me. As everyone was cheering for the encore someone shined what looked like a stock mini-m*g (idk how i actually saw it) so i said to my buddy "hey you wanna see something really cool?" so i shined the 225 lumens of diplomacy on the stage from way up in the balcony and i swear people thought they were coming back on to perform, until i turned it off so i wouldnt get kicked out. the funny thing is that after the show was over and there was like 15 people wandering around some people were looking for something with crappy flashlights below me on the floor, so i tried to help. when i shined the light down there the people below were thankful, but one of the venue employees tried to kick me out for shining the light down there. what a dope. that is just one of many storied of such "fun with flashlights"
Just got my Aurora R2 AAA and we went to the movies to watch the latest Indy movie. Almost dropped dead when my wife who always complains about the flashlights asked me for some light. She dropped her earring. Shined it against my trousers not to disturb others, but decided to look later. When the movie was finished it took ten seconds with the light to find it hanging in the cup holder. My wife's hero, now she also wants a flashlight. :)
I was at a Disturbed concert, and i had my TK10 with me. As everyone was cheering for the encore someone shined what looked like a stock mini-m*g (idk how i actually saw it) so i said to my buddy "hey you wanna see something really cool?" so i shined the 225 lumens of diplomacy on the stage from way up in the balcony and i swear people thought they were coming back on to perform, until i turned it off so i wouldnt get kicked out. the funny thing is that after the show was over and there was like 15 people wandering around some people were looking for something with crappy flashlights below me on the floor, so i tried to help. when i shined the light down there the people below were thankful, but one of the venue employees tried to kick me out for shining the light down there. what a dope. that is just one of many storied of such "fun with flashlights"

LOL-during a break in the set when the lights went down, I wanted to see just how far the A2 would throw-to the stage?-but I didn't want to get kicked out (I'm too old to get kicked out of concerts these days).
I just can't help myself sometimes! Ever do anything like that with your lights which just elicits groans from your friends or significant others?

Um... pretty much carrying a flashlight gets groans from the GF.

The other day I was playing with some new lights, comparing the Olight T20 to a Jet-II to a SF 6PL, ended up hitting a car from about 40 yards that had a couple of teens in the back seat.

Yeah women despise flashlights in any shape or form.

I haven't had any REAL chances to play the flashlight hero yet unfortunately, but my day might come.

I used to amaze other cyclists when I had a L2D as a bikelight. The unenlightened are WOW'ed by things like these.

Climberkid I like you're story of the TK10 at the Disturbed concert! Rock on
Remember seeing something, somewhere, thread on CPF??? where flashlights were used in slow shutterspeed photos, creating great images. Now that is what I call "Fun with Flashlights". :popcorn:
Since most of my friends are flashaholics to some degree, only the Polarion PH50 impresses them, less so these days than when it was first introduced to them. We were looking at the Spectrolab CHIS as a show stopping, seriously fun light, but its $108,000.00 price tag stopped us in our tracks. Now we are looking for justifications to pass on to our budget department as to why we need one. One justification is that as land developers, we must be comitted to the nighttime security of our projects. For larger projects, instead of paying a team of roaming guards as we do now, we could have a single individual at the helm of a strategically placed CHIS to cover such responsibilities. We could see a positive ROI within a year, depending upon use and ancillary maintanance fees.
Several months ago i remember walking my dog in the fog shining my A9 & Wiseled around and a security guard came out of a building near my house as i walked by and asked where was all the bright lights coming from, i thought to myself oops, but he didn't care
My wife likes flashlights and has several. You've got to meet more women. :)

The caveat is you have to go to Illinois to find them :nana:

Most of the females I've met in NYC are very girly ... they like to shop for clothes and shoes. I haven't met one that's even remotely into flashlights. That could be because I'm hanging with the wrong crowds. :sssh:

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