Newly Enlightened
Last Friday, on my way home from work, I stopped to buy an A2 (red LED). I blame that A2 thread index and js's glowing (hah!) review of it. That night my wife and I and some friends went to see REM at the local outdoor concert place. Of course I had my A2 with me, because I had just gotten it.
We're in the middle of the show and my wife points out some guy crawling through the catwalks somewhere far off from where we were stitting. "Hey", I thought, "great test for the A2." So I highlighted the guy from probably 70 feet out. Everyone in our section was all agog about the bright little light. My wife rolled her eyes.
I just can't help myself sometimes! Ever do anything like that with your lights which just elicits groans from your friends or significant others?
We're in the middle of the show and my wife points out some guy crawling through the catwalks somewhere far off from where we were stitting. "Hey", I thought, "great test for the A2." So I highlighted the guy from probably 70 feet out. Everyone in our section was all agog about the bright little light. My wife rolled her eyes.
I just can't help myself sometimes! Ever do anything like that with your lights which just elicits groans from your friends or significant others?