Garrity 2-AA Steelhead flashlight


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 16, 2000
San Gabriel Valley
Anybody here have any experience with that stainless steel flashlight? Saw it at Savon/Osco (w/LOTC) at $9.95 U.S.
I bought one and wasn't very impressed with it as an incandescent flashlight, the beam had a big black hole in the center unless it was at spot focus and I thought the tailswitch was a bit cheap and wouldn't last long. YMMV. This flashlight might be a decent base for a luxeon mod though.
How's the reflector on that compared to the mini mag? i saw it and it has a "not smooth" reflector, think this might help a bit. can you guys compare the beam of the mini mag and the new garrity model at full spot mode? both with nexstars. that way it be equal. i thought it was cool that they gave it a lockout tailcap. seems to offer alot of functionality for this price.
this light will accept 123 size batteries also. mike